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Tapu in mind 😌

I know this very well that all the eyes are searching for my girl today.

But I will not mind it I can understand she is very hot to resist.

And I know she likes the attention on her sizzling hot body so I didn't disturbed anyone looking at her, staring at her and capturing the best views of my gf.

Even I am looking for other hot and tempting looking girls because I know Sonu is mine for all the time so whatever is not mine attracting me more than her right now.

Some girls around me are really so hot and sexy in looks.

We always standing together I mean we all boys of Tappu sena Goli, Gogi, Pinku and me.


Goli's phone rang,

He said on a phone call that whenever you reach on the party venue text me and call me and just wait there, i will pick you.

Tappu : who was there Goli??

Goli : there is a surprise for everyone of you guys today I have a pair with me as well.

Tappu : are you serious who the hell get ready to be pair with you?? (Laughing and making fun of him)

Goli : what do you mean by that Tappu??

Tappu : I didn't meant anything wrong I am just asking that who is ready to be your pair any girlfriend?

Goli : no.. Just a party pair.

Pinku : we already guess that how can be someone be your girlfriend.

Goli : stop making fun of me and look at yourself you didn't have any partner for this party tonight. (Angry now)

Tappu : even goge didn't have partner.

Goge : who said that??

Tappu : means do you have?

Goge : yes... She must be on way... I will introduced you all with my new girlfriend today.

Tappu : ohh you made a girlfriend.

Goli : who is she?? (Seems jealous)

Goge : why are you getting jealous, you just told your partner is coming.

Goli : yeah... But you said you made a girlfriend... And she is not my girlfriend.. She will be just my party partner.

Tappu : it is very easy if she is ready to be your party partner then maybe she will accept you as your boyfriend.

Goli : no she won't...

Tappu : why?

Goli : when you will see her you will get to know the reason why she will not?

Everyone get confused.

Stay tuned for more

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