Horror Games

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"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO A GAME CALLED...OUTLAST!" You giggled as you watched him to his intro, his voice loud and booming. He looked in the corner of his eye at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
He spent hours convincing you to be in one of his gaming videos, especially a horror one. You had eventually given in to his begging, making him all giddy and ready to start. You didn't like being in front of the camera, you were quite shy and he knew that.
"Today, I am playing with my girlfriend, (Y/N)! I am very excited to see how this turns out! Let's get started!" You shyly waved at the camera, feeling a blush spread onto your cheeks. He chuckled and started the game. He sat close beside you, your legs brushing against each other. You loved horror games, but you were easily scared.
"I am so going to fail at this." You grumbled, gripping his controller as the game started. He laughed quietly and continued talking to the camera, explaining everything that was going on. You concentrated on the game, finally getting into the asylum.
"Don't worry lassie, I'll protect you!" Sean stated. You giggled and made your way through vents until you were in a hallway. Your headphones were placed on your head so it was impossible to not hear the ominous sounds. The atmosphere in the game made goosebumps ripple on your skin. Your heart pounded as the music kicked in.
"Holy shit balls this is not going to end well.." You whispered to Sean, causing him to burst out laughing. As you approached a door, you saw in the corner of your eye, Sean smirking. You bit your lip, fear gripping at your heart. You had a feeling you knew what was behind the door, but you opened it anyway. As soon as the door creaked open, a body was thrown at you.
"MOTHER OF FUCK!" You screamed, jumping back in the chair in fear. A tiny Yelp escaped your lips as the body disappeared and you were left standing in the hallway. You grabbed your chest and let out a big heave. You looked over at Sean who was still laughing his ass off. You glared at him and flicked his head.
"Awh come on lass, it was funny!" He let out chuckles as he regained his composure and wiped his eyes. You suppressed a smile and continued playing, seeing Sean rub his head. Several more times, you were jump scared or shouting at the game. You and Sean had a lot of fun recording, and he eventually helped you out on the tough levels.
"Well, I'm going to leave this video here! If you guys liked this video..PUNCH THE LIKE BUTTON...IN THE FACE..." You decided to beat him to the next part, balling your fists up.
"LIKE A BOSS!" You shouted, bursting out in laughter and shooting your hands in the air and bringing them back down. Sean shook his head and laughed as he finished his outro.
"And as always! HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND! WAPSHHH! WAPSHHH! And I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOOO!", you both did the ending, smiling from ear to ear as he turned the recorder off. You giggled loudly, shaking your head and standing up. He stood up also, following you out of his bedroom.
    Before you could make it to the kitchen, he grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you back to him. You gasped in shock, but smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You breathed in his cologne and closed your eyes in content. He rubbed your back slowly, placing a kiss on the top of your head. You looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled.
    "You have no idea how hard it was not to kiss you during all of that. It was quite hard you know." He said, pouting. You chuckled and agreed with him, it was very hard. You reached your hand up and ruffled his neon green hair. He grunted and waved your hand away, fixing his hair back to normal.
   "Oh trust me, I know how you felt." You said, your face turning red. He leaned down and kissed your cheek, making it even more red than it was. You looked down at the ground in embarrassment and tucked a piece of (H/C) hair behind your ear.
    "I love it when you blush. It's so..adorable." He whispered in your ear, a smile on his voice. You playfully shoved him away and turned around. You felt yourself being turned around and his fingertips placed under your chin. You let him lift your head up to his eyes, his lips pursed.
    "It is lass, very adorable. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to kiss you." You giggled and nodded to him, waiting for him to lean down again. You softly pressed your lips against his and locked your arms around his neck. He kissed you back, bringing you very close to him. Your lips moved in sync with his, your hands gently running through his hair.
   You pulled away shortly after, earning a whine from Sean. You grinned and ran into the kitchen. You heard his footsteps follow as you opened the fridge.
"Come Jacksepticeye..keep up!" You winked at him, this time his cheeks burning with blush. You rarely used his YouTube name. You two shared one last sweet kiss before he headed back into his room for editing.

(Hello lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I will be switching from Markiplier to Jacksepticeye at random. Hope you guys enjoy my book!

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