Pole Dancing Fun

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(A/N: I'm having writer's block today, so this chapter might suck. I apologize. BUT DAMN THAT PICTURE...excuse me while I have a heart attack.)

    You were out all day. You were busying yourself by buying groceries for the house, picking up things for Mark, and getting lunch for everyone before you got back. Mark had told you to he was doing some filming with Matt and Ryan. You finally walked through your door in the afternoon, tired and wore out.
   You instantly heard them laughing in the other room, and some thumps and crashes. You giggled and shook your head, piling the snacks in your arms for the boys. You walked down the hallway and listened to their laughter.
    "Lift your leg higher then!"
    "Do you want me to split in half!?"
   You opened the door with your foot, stepping into the room. The laughter silenced as you turned around and saw the three staring at you. Ryan and Matt were standing, trying to suppress a smile as they stifled their laughter.

Mark was hanging upside down..on a pole.

    He waved at you, bursting out laughing and crashing to the floor. He held onto his stomach and laughed harder as you stared at him with an open mouth. He was currently shirtless, a pink and black bow tie wrapped around his neck. Your eyes trailed down his exposed chest. His abs were prominent as he flexed to get up off the floor.
   He was only in black boxers, a pink mustache on his butt. You turned red as you cleared your throat and looked away. Matt and Ryan were in their boxers as well, crossing their arms and giggling. You looked over at the camera standing in the corner.
   "So this is what...um..you've been recording?" You asked Mark. He held onto the pink pole in the middle of the room and swung around it a couple times. You covered your mouth and watched him spin around the pole.
"Would you like to see some of my tricks?" He asked you, winning. Matt and Ryan whistled, clapping and cheering. You blushed and shrugged, finally agreeing to it. He cleared his throat and held his hands out.
   "Your about to see something legend...WAIT FOR IT..DARY!" He shouted, lifting himself on the pole. He flipped upside down, even pointing his feet as he held upside down. You gasped and clapped for him. He chuckled and wrapped one leg around the pole and started spinning around it to the ground. You held your stomach and laughed harder as he moved his body in a wave and posed off the pole.
   "How do you think I pay all these bills!?" He asked, strutting around the place with his butt jutting out. Matt and Ryan then proceeded to try and pole dance, but ended miserable. Matt swung around too fast and basically flung himself off of it. Ryan tried to swing around it on his legs, but tumbled over and landed on his back. You were distracted by Mark's abs as he did a belly roll. He made kissey faces as he did more tricks on the pole.
   "How did you learn how to pole dance?" You muttered. 
   "Ah, one of my friends is a professional. They taught me."
   "I shouldn't have asked." You said, face palming your forehead. They all chuckled and took turns trying to seduce you. In the end, you were on the floor laughing as they groaned from the pain they endured on the pole. Mark ran a hand through his red hair and held his hand out. You cautiously let him pull you towards him as he took a pink mustache from Ryan. He stuck it gently on your face and went back to the pole.
     "Wilferd Warfstache would love to show you some more moves...later." He winked, spinning around the pole. You blushed and shook your head, backing away. You inspected the pole, finally realizing it hasn't been there all day.
   "Um Mark? How did you get this pole here?" Mark's eyes widened a bid and he scratched the back of his neck. Matt and Ryan turned the other way and fiddled with their hands, trying to act natural. You raised your eyebrows at Mark, who looked down.
   "Uh, that's not important! What's important is we have a pole now."
    "Mark, who did thi-"
    "MARK! How d-"
    "NO MORE QUESTIONS. WILFERD MUST..POLE DANCE!" You sighed and gave up trying to communicate with him, and just settled on watching the boys try and out dance each other.


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