How Does One "Hair?"

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A/N:HEY LOVELIES! Sorry about not updating this book for 2 days. I apologize! Juggling school, homework, and work is hard. But I shall try harder do not worry!

   You and Mark sat on the couch, watching TV and talking. His fingertips lightly dragged up your arm, causing tingles to erupt. You giggled and grabbed his hand, kissing the top of it. He smiled down at you and returned the favor by kissing the top of your head. His other hand reached up and ran through your soft hair. He did this a couple times, making you drowsy and yawn.
   "I've always wanted to know how to braid." Mark mumbled, staring at your hair as he played with it. You smiled and sat up in his lap, guiding his hands to the back of your head.
   "Well then, I shall teach you! I can finally have someone do my hair!" Your said in excitement, making Mark chuckle. He nodded and listened to you as you explained the instructions. He gently split your hair into three sections.
   "Now, you put one section over so that two of them are crossed, then take the last one and put it through the middle. You keep doing this until all the hair is braided." He nodded again, complete determination on his face. You found it highly adorable when he stuck his tongue out. He started out good, but then he started messing up.
   You heard his grunting and slight tugs on your hair. You turned around to face him, seeing his eyes widen and his hands let go of your hair.
   "Um...I don't have any idea of how your hair got that way." He said, his hands held up in surrender. Your hands felt the naught that had formed in the braid, and you let out a chuckle. Mark watched in amazement as you quickly untangled it with a comb. He went back to work, making knots several other times before he finally got a loose braid.
   "I DID IT! I DID IT! I AM THE BEST!" He shouted, standing up and dancing around. You giggled and played with the large section of hair still not in the braid. He smiled cheekily at you, kissing your cheek before dancing again. He sat down in front of you and pointed to his own flaming red hair.
   "Babe! Do mine! Do mine! We can be twinsies!" He said, laughing. You laughed along with him as you carefully made a short braid out of his hair. You burst out laughing as it stood straight up on his hair. He made faces and posed for you.
    "I'm ready for a model shoot." He stated, licking his finger and pressing it on his butt. "Sssssss." Was the sound he made shortly after. He pulled you into a sweet kiss before taking pictures and posting them on Instagram and Tumblr. Make pulled you back down in his arms, making his braid hit you in the face.
   You couldn't stop laughing as he made funny faces. You finally pulled out the braid in his hair and smoothed it back out. He did the same for yours, except kept his hand in your hair. He pulled your face close to his, making your smile widen.
   "Thank you for the lesson today..on how to "Hair." You giggled when he add quotations in the air with his fingers. You kissed his nose, making him blush a little.
   "Let me repay you." You didn't have time to answer back as Mark pushed your head closer to his, where his awaiting lips pressed against yours. 

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