Joker Part 2

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Jack...I such an intriguing patient, you thought curiously. After that first session with him, you couldn't stop thinking about the green haired maniac. Goosebumps rippled over your skin as his words echoed in your mind.

"Well've got one now.."

This had to be a trick. A trick to make you think he actually was trying to play nice with you. You shook your head, raking a hand through your hair. You had let it down for now while you were at break, your head throbbing slightly. You nibbled on your cold sandwich, staring down the hall at that certain door. You jumped when you heard shrieking somewhere near you. It was a haunting wail that raked chills down your spine. You tried to concentrate on your friend instead, who had apparently been talking this whole time.

"....and then she flipped out and started throwing things! The three of us had to sedate her and practically drag her out of the room! How crazy is that!?" She said, her hands moving everywhere and her eyes wide. You just simply nodded, trying to get back into the conversation. She pursed her lips and looked down at the door you were just looking at. She smirked, nudging your shoulder. You looked at her, putting down your tasteless food.

"So, since you didn't hear a word I had been saying, how did your meet with..Joker go? Ever since you went to talk to him, you've been acting different." You shook your head, forcing a smile to your red lips. Clearing your throat, you threw your hair back up into a tight bun. You fidgeted with your glasses.

"I don't know what you're talking about. He is just..different. Very different from what I'm used to, that's all. He just knows how to get into my head." She nodded, looking closely at you. You smiled back, shoving her gently. She giggled and went back to talking about her day, thankfully letting the Joker thing go. You sighed quietly and rubbed your face. It's been at least a month that you've been Joker's Psychiatrist. You and him had seemingly gotten..close, you could say. As time passed, you couldn't help but feel attracted to him. At first, the thought made you want to admit to this Asylum yourself. The thought was ridiculous, sickening, insane even.

You spent nights racking your brain for reasons why he made you feel such a thing, long hours trying hard to convince yourself it wasn't real, and beating yourself up for even wanting to go through with it.

In the end though..

You knew you were falling for this lunatic..

You snapped out of your meltdown when you heard the announcements on the speakers. You were called down to his cell, another session. You thought you were making great progress, from the month you've spent with him. He had a few snaps here and there, but that was to be expected. He even seemed to be getting better, at least that's what you thought. He would only behave for you it seemed. With other staff, they would hurry out of the room after they were done with him. They couldn't handle his icy blue stare, his bared teeth, or his strange cackle. You could. You quickly said goodbye to your friend, throwing your half eaten food in the trash. You smoothed out your coat, fixing your hair as you walked down the hallway.

You caught the eyes of several other patients, some talking to you and others just staring. You gave them soft smiles and waves, trying not to let them falter you. You took a deep breath, reaching in your pocket and holding tight to a soft object you had for Joker. The guards awaited at the door as always, greeting you kindly.

"I don't see how you handle this guy, Ma'am. You have some balls, I give you that." One of them said gruffly, shaking his head. Your cheeks heated up as you nodded to them and let them open the door. They led you in as always, Joker now chained to his bed. He sat there, legs kicking and his bare feet skidding the cement below him. He flashed a wicked smile up at you, his lips smeared with red once again. His black tattoos crawled up his neck, his shirt unbuttoned fully this time. The two guards left after threatening Joker with a few words, and then shutting the door behind them. You sat down in the desk and chair set up in front of him, waiting for you. He sat up more, his back resting against the wall. You flickered your glance to the drawings he had done on the wall behind him. They scattered almost every inch of the cement, all drawings in black and red writing.






The words jumped out at you as they stood our from the pristine, white walls. You gulped, feeling that certain chill run through your body. Joker knew how to get under your skin, and he knew it well. He cackled slowly as he intertwined his hands together and looked at you. His eyes pierced through yours, his radiant green hair slicked to his head. You started scribbling notes on your clipboard, returning the smile back.

"Hello..Harley. My dear, you look rather..beautiful is definitely...your color." He said calmly, winking at you. You felt your skin flush as you cleared your throat and set the clipboard now. You licked your red lips, noticing him watching. You fished in your pocket, pulling out the object you had bought for him. He looked at it curiously, a permanent smirk on his lips. You set it on the edge of your desk, smiling at him softly.

"I got you something! I think it'll help!" You patted the small, stuffed lion. You giggled, moving it around and making lion noises. He watched, his smile getting wider and wider. His eyes were glinting as he leaned out, his restraints struggling against his bed frame. You looked up, seeing him nod and cock his head to the side. You realized you liked it when he did that.

"Awh, how sweet of you. Thank you Harley..but I also need something more." He whispered, looking at the door where the two guards stood outside. You burrowed your eyebrows together in confusion, setting the animal down. He flashed you his metal teeth and tugged against his cuffs. He let out another chuckle, the laugh so familiar you didn't mind hearing it anymore. He knew you were falling for him, that's exactly what he wanted. Now he had power over you, and he loved it. He licked his lips, locking your eyes with his.

"Sweetie, I need a machine gun. A big, machine gun. I need them all, baby...I'm getting out of here. You're going to get me out of here..aren't you, doll face?" He said, his words slow and careful. Your heart started pounding as you registered his words. You started shaking your head when you suddenly stopped. You breathed slowly, time seeming to slow down. You looked at him, seeing him smile and lean against the decorated wall. You never noticed all the tattoos he had until now. You saw a tattoo of an open mouth on his hand, its teeth white and lips bright red. There were tattoos of laughter on his chest, skulls that seemed to be laughing at you, and other creepy markings that made you feel uneasy. They seemed to lure you to him, and you didn't want to stop.

"So what's it gonna be, baby?" He asked, his voice shattering the silence surrounding you. Your mouth felt like cotton as you tried to swallow. Your hands shook, but you didn't feel nervous. This almost felt..right. You couldn't deny your feeling for this..for this..insanity. You felt your mind slipping as you stood up and walked over to him. Your lips turned into a wide smile, your mind completely shutting off. His eyes flashed with excitement as he started chuckling. His laughter was loud and hysterical. When he finally finished, he blinked away the tears swimming in his eyes. His smile was so big you thought his whole face would split. You leaned close, to where his face was inches from yours. His blue eyes stared into yours, his smile turning into a menacing smirk.

"I can't wait to show you my toys.."

You were going to help the Joker escape Arkham Asylum..

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