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It was a dreary, rainy, night while you were driving back home from the store. You two were badly in need of food and you volunteered to go out into the night while he recorded some small videos while you were gone. It seemed like the rain was coming down harder the more time that passed by. It worried you a little, but you just turned on some music and carefully made your way home.
You squinted and tried to see through the storm that was coming down in sheets. You could feel your car drifting, which almost made you have a heart attack. You managed to get back on the road safely, relief flooding through you. You chuckled, taking a deep breath. You heard tires squealing and snapped your head up, seeing a truck come barreling at you.
It's headlights stung your eyes and your hands frantically moved the steering wheel. Your car turned sideways, still gliding towards the uncontrolled truck. You let out a scream seconds before you two collided. The sound of bending metal and breaking glass filled your ears, you couldn't scream anymore.
You felt your body being thrown around, the seatbelt digging into your chest and the painful slicing of glass to your flesh. After what seemed like hours, your car rolled to a stop in the middle of the highway. You were upside down as far as you could tell, your head pounding. You whimpered, feeling cuts all over your body and a numbness in your arm. You tried moving it, but to no avail. You gasped for air, the seatbelt strangling you.
It was no use moving, you could barely see at this point. You could feel your car vibrating and smell the smoke as it wafted into the air. Somebody was screaming outside of the car, but the noise of the rain drowned everything out. You looked forward, seeing in an upsidedown view, the truck hanging off a railing. The front was smashed in, a body hanging out of the shattered window.
You were trembling as the wind whipped your tangled hair around. Your fingers scraped the glass on the ground with your good arm, you could feel yourself slipping into consciousness. Before you went limp, you could the bright blue and red lights wailing and flashing towards you.

(TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES! This one is going to have two parts! Just wanted to let ya know :-)! Hope you enjoy it!

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