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    "We're going to be late for the party! Plus, I haven't painted your face yet!" You complained, motioning towards all the Halloween makeup on the counter. He smirked at you, enjoying your little anger moment. You had to suppress a smile while you rolled your eyes and dug around the makeup.
    "Oh, come on Lass! Lighten up, Babe! We will only be a couple minutes late, the party will still be there when we get there!" You sighed loudly and agreed with him as he sat down in a chair. You and Jack loved Halloween, you guys were all into the dressing up and scaring the crap out of people!
    You had some pretty skillful makeup skills, so Jack wanted you to paint his face before the party. You and him got lost in a video game, and just recently noticed how much time had passed. He waited patiently as you turned on the radio and, "This is Halloween.", played in the background.
    "Boys and girls of every age..wouldn't you like to see something strange?" You sang along with the words, getting the brushes and fake blood all ready. Through all this, Jack watched you. He watched the way your hips moved in a fluid motion, the way your hair fell in your face, the way your careful hands gently skimmed the surface of the counter.
    He got lost in you, just watching and thinking of all the things he absolutely loved about you. You could feel his eyes on you, but just blushed and continued setting things up. You now stood in front of him, smiling down at him as you grabbed a brush.
    "SPOOPY TIME!" You suddenly shouted, bursting into giggles. He chuckled along with you and grabbed your hand. Your smile faded a little as your heart sped up. This always happened when he touched you, it made you feel alive. He gave you a small smile, the kind that made him look so adorable and precious.
    "I have to do one thing before you paint my face. If you paint my face, then I can't do this." He said, slowly standing up and pulling you to him. His fingers grasped the brush in your hand and set it down on the counter. Your breath caught in your throat as you were pressed up against him.
    "W-What?" You stuttered, shocked at the sudden position you were in. He laughed his silly laugh and kissed your forehead. You breathed a sigh and closed your eyes. His lips lingered there for a minute or two before he pulled away.
    "I-I'm going to get out stuff real quick." You stated, pulling away from him and walking away. You heard quick footsteps follow you and before you were even to the stairs, he was on your back. He leaned close you your ear and you felt his breath hit your neck.
    "Don't leave so soon,Lass." You felt blush blaze onto your cheeks as you stood still. You felt his hand touch your shoulder, hovering for a second, then grazing your arm. You felt his fingertips slide down your shoulder, down your arm, past your elbow, and then slowly intertwine his fingers with yours.
    Your heart was fluttering a mile a minute as the motion caused goosebumps and shivers of pleasure over you. You felt a smile widen on your face as you took a shaky breath. You turned around an hooked your arms around his neck.
    "Now, why would I ever do something like that?" You answered, his last question echoing in your mind. He smiled, but didn't have enough time to speak as you pressed your lips against his. He instantly kissed back, his hands running down your back. He pressed against you tightly, his lips moving ever so slowly against yours.
    After awhile, you two finally pulled away. Breathless and red, you two decided to hurry it up. As you did his makeup, there were several times you'd get lost in his ocean blue eyes, but that was okay because..he did with yours too.

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