Face To Face

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! I have a requested imagine! This will be a Markimoo one, so enjoy lovelies!!!!
Requested by: Ever8888 )

You were currently typing on the computer, ecstatic for tomorrow. You had met this wonderful guy named Mark online, you two seemed to hit it off great. It was a little difficult because you couldn't talk to each other that often. He lived in Los Angelos and you lived in (F/C). Even with the struggle, you two were madly in love.
He eventually invited you to fly over and meet him face to face. You were extremely nervous, but your heart soared at the thought of finally meeting him. You two agreed that tomorrow you would go see him. He was extremely pleased and made sure to show it to you in his adorable videos he would send you.
Tomorrow came faster than you thought, and soon you were scrambling out the door to make it to your flight. It was pretty early in the morning, but you were wide awake. Mark even sent you a long message explaining how happy he was to see you. He was such a sweetheart with the most caring heart.
"I will meet you there beautiful. Your probably even more gorgeous in person." The blush was noticeable on your cheeks as you shut off your phone and stared out the window. After hours of a crying baby, an angry attendant, and a creepy old guy sitting next to you, you had arrived. You were exhausted, but your excitement melted the worries away.
Quickly, you grabbed your stuff and set out to find your Mark. It was difficult to find him in this mob of people, so you decided to wait outside. After no texts or calls from Mark, you began to walk over to a little coffee shop. You needed something to keep you awake. Dodging random citizens, you kept your head to the ground. Suddenly, you were knocked flat on your butt. You gasped, shocked from the sudden impact.
"I am so sorry, ma'am!" A deep voice rang out. You looked up to see a man, a handsome one at that. His blue hair ruffled in the light breeze and his chocolate brown eyes stared into your. He held a hand out, carefully pulling you into your feet. It took both of you a minute to realize.
"(Y/N)!?" Both of you shouted at the same time, causing people to look at you. Mark smiled widely and pulled you into a hug. You starts giggling and tightly hugged him back. You two pulled away and he looked at your face.
"Damn, way more beautiful in person. I knew it." Mark whispered, kissing your cheek politely. You blushed bright red and bit your lip. As soon as you two started talking, you couldn't seem to stop. Mark had actually made reservations to the little coffee shop before you had came. He boldly grabbed your hand, looking at you sheepishly.
You were smiling so much that it hurt. Your heart pounded and your eyes were shining as you two walked together down the street. You had finally met him, you had finally met your little sweetheart named Mark. And you had a feeling that this would be the start of something amazing.

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