HeartBreak Part 1,Jack

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! So I promised I would do a Jack imagine with the Break up! Prepare for the feels again, enjoy lovelies.)

   "Jack? Sean?" You repeated, still not getting an answer from him. He merely glanced over at you and then continued playing. You, Sean, and a few of his buddies were playing on the Xbox. Sean has been avoiding you for weeks now, and you decided to play his little game. You avoided him whenever he walked through the door, or pretended you were asleep when he walked in the room.
   This killed you and made you ache to the core. You hated ignoring your baby, but you were proving a point. He began to get angry over those few weeks when you two finally decided to talk again. It was just short and quick conversations, ones that made you sigh in frustration and walk away.
   "Yeah, Yeah, (Y/n)." Sean mumbled to you, laughing loudly with his buddies. You noticed one of them eyeing you, in a way that made you feel uncomfortable. You were trying to get Sean's attention so he could maybe step in. Alas, he never came and his friend continued to stare. He made kissy faces and winks at you, resulting in you flipping him off.
   "Feisty. I like that." His friends chuckled, making Jack only look over his shoulder. You forced yourself not to get emotional as you stood up and walked to the kitchen. You listened to Sean's bubbly laugh, and started to tear up. You and Sean hadn't laughed like that in awhile, it was starting to affect you. You clenched your fist, he was acting like a child.
    "Hey baby, you okay?" You turn around, expecting Jack. Instead, it was his hungry friend who was eyeing you just a moment ago. You looked at him in disgust, shaking your head. He stepped forward, pushing you against the counter. Your anger flared as you shoved him backwards. He only went a few inches, but he burst out laughing and walked away.
   You were trembling and tears were falling down your cheeks as you tried to calm yourself. You looked at Sean, seeing him completely oblivious to the gestures and signs his friends were making at you. They soon left, Sean exclaiming he was tired. As soon as he shut the door, you stomped upstairs.
   "(Y/N)?" Sean called quietly, hearing your whimpers. You slammed your door close and started throwing his clothes into a bag. Your hands were shaking so hard that clothes strewn across the floor. You didn't hear the door open, but felt his hands on yours. You pulled away, zipping up the bag and shoving it in his hands. He looked up at your tear stained face and his face dropped. He reached for you but you dodged and ran down the stairs.
   "No, please, wait! Let me talk about this, we need to talk!" You laughed weakly through your tears, throwing open the door. By now, Sean had tears shining in his eyes and the bewildered and hurt look made your heart break even more.
   "The only thing you need to talk about is walking out this door. I'm done, Sean. I'm done, you don't care anymore. Get out." You stated quietly, your voice breaking. He shook his head and caresses your face. You let out a sob and shoved him through the door. Slamming the door shut, you heard him shouting and begging for you.
   He eventually left, his footsteps and sobs softening. You grabbed your hair, sliding down the door and putting your head between your knees. As you cried, your hands searched for his that weren't there anymore.
He was gone.

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