Darkiplier Part 2

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! I'm so glad you guys like the Darkiplier imagine! I honestly like a little of Darkiplier, he's unique XD and very different from Markimoo. Anyhoo, enjoy!)

    You soon figured out this..Darkiplier, as Mark called him, wouldn't go away. You two had to deal with the fact that he was there, possibly permantely. Mark hoped it wouldn't last long, he was stressed out. He didn't want Dark to do something and hurt you. He flipped his shit when you told him what Dark did once he blacked out. It wasn't like he could beat Dark up. That would result in Mark beating himself up, so you were at a loss.
   The day was spent watching movies and cuddling, since you and Mark had a day off. It was very enjoyable and Mark seemed to be enjoying himself, no Dark interrupting..yet. He had a few moments here and there where you thought Dark would take over, but Mark managed.
    You were having so much fun, and you two decided to play outside. You became little kids again and played tag and hide and seek. After around an hour or so, you guys walked in the house. You both were sweaty, muddy, and tired. You giggled and pecked his cheek as he complained about his hair.
   "I'm going to go take a shower real quick, baby. I'll be back." He pressed a soft kiss against your head and walked upstairs. You watched him leave before putting your hair up in a ponytail and cooling off. You grabbed a big glass of lemonade and sat on the counter, watching the Tv from there. You heard some commotion upstairs, but most of it was muffled.
   You quirked an eyebrow, raising your head to look at the ceiling. You heard a few thumps and more muffled talking, and then it went silent. You shrugged, sipping on your lemonade. You and Mark were going to head out for a date after you have taken a shower. You heard footsteps leading downstairs. You smiled, watching Mark come into view. Soon, that smile dropped.
  "Hey there baby." Your stomach dropped once you heard that familiar gravely voice. Oh no. Mark..well Dark was standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking as roughly handsome as ever.  He was barefoot, wearing a pair of ripped dark jeans you've never seen before. Your eyes trailed up his lucky red flannel shirt, still unbuttoned. It exposed his bare chest, and his abs. You choked slightly on your drink, coughing to regain your breathing.
   He ran a hand through his wet, red, hair and slicked it back to his usual style. Droplets of water dropped down his chest and slid over his abs. You gulped, seeing him flash a pointy smile at you. He ventured closer, biting his lower lip. Holy shit.
   "D-Dark?" You asked, your voice shaking. He chuckled and nodded, crossing his arms. You watched the veins in his hand pop out.
   "In the flesh." He opened his arms and posed, chuckling darkly. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. His dark eyes seemed to darken more as he took a step towards you. You pressed your back against the cabinet, noticing it was still broken open.
   "Oh, is someone mad? I gotta say, you look sexy when your mad." He said in his low voice, sending chills down your spine. NO, bad (Y/N)! This isn't Mark, this is Dark. You went to hop off when Mark strode quickly up to you and held your hands down on the surface. You gasped, glaring at him. He smirked at you, his fingertips running slightly across your skin.
   "Awh, come on babe. You know you like it." He shot at you, gripping your hands. You blushed, shaking your head. He scoffed and leaned close, his lips brushing your cheek. You shook your head and faced away, leaning in the opposite direction. He sighed, but still had a smile on his lips.
   "Hey, I only got this body for a little while. Your little boyfriend is quite the fighter, I always like a challenge. So, as I said before, we don't have a lot of time....playing hard to get, eh? Alright, I like it." He whispered, kissing your cheek. You pushed at his hard chest, not even making him budge. You caught the red flicker in his black eyes as he held your waist tightly.
   He kissed your neck, causing you to struggle under his grip. He went to your ear, biting it. You gasped loudly, leaning forward. He took the opportunity to kiss you, silencing your gasp. You went to pull away when he bit your bottom lip and pulled. You grunted, allowing him to kiss you roughly. His grip caused your wrist to hurt, but he didn't care.
   "Y-You're hurting me." You stuttered, feeling his nails dig into your arm. You winced, wriggling under his weight. He laughed and held you still, looking into your eyes. You tried your hardest not to give in, but you knew your resistance was becoming weak.
   "Pain is good, (Y/N)." With that, he winked at you and wrapped your legs around his waist. You cried out and hugged his neck, hanging on to him as he pulled away from the counter. He held you firmly, connecting his lips with yours. You still didn't kiss him back, now he was getting angry. He growled quietly, pushing you against him.
   "Kiss me." He ordered angrily, holding your chin in place. His tongue traced your bottom lip gently. You gave in finally, kissing him back with force. He relaxed, and kissed you until you had to pull away for air. He ran his hand through your hair, tugging a handful softly.
  He let you climb off of him, watching your face bloom with red. He held you close, peppering kisses down your neck. You bit your lip to keep from making noise as you finally shoved him away. You glared, crossing your arms.
   "Why are you such an asshole!?" You shouted, causing him to chuckle. It only made your anger rise.
   "Babe, that's just how I am. I'm pretty sure you find it..oh what's the word..a turn on? If I'm not mistaken..you like this side of Mark." You gasped and shook your head, gritting your teeth. He nodded, running a hand through his hair slowly. You wanted Mark back, Dark took control and scared you. Mark would never do something like this.
   "Fuck off."
    "Oh, I'd love to fuck you."
    "DARK!" You said loudly, gaping at his harsh word choices. He laughed and walked over to you. You took a step back, keeping your hands up. He pouted, an evil gleam in his eyes.
   "Now, let's get those dirty clothes off of you." Your heart jumped as you took several steps away from him. He licked his lips, getting closer.
   "M-Mark..come on. Fight him, please. I'm scared, bring Mark back. FIGHT HIM DAMMIT!" You shouted, losing your patience. Dark didn't react for a few seconds. He was only a few feet away when he froze. He groaned, rolling his eyes and clenching his jaw.
   "Oh, come on! Not again! GO BACK IN! No, I'm having fun making out with your girlfriend. YOU SON OF A- hey buddy, watch the language. There's a lady present. IM GOING TO KILL YOU. That'd be suicide my friend..OW STOP IT! GET OUT OF ME! Once again, dirty choice of words. GIVE ME
MY BODY BACK! Ow,ow,ow! Fuck man, be gentle! GET OUT! We need a schedule for he-..FUCK OKAY!" Once again, you watched the war go on between Mark and Dark.
   He snapped his head left and right, losing his footing and falling into the counter. He swiped off the plates, causing them to crash into the tiles. You jumped, watching his eyes waver from Black to Brown. Come on Mark, fight! Mark/Dark groaned in pain as they wrestled around in the same body. Finally, he stumbled into a wall, sweat dripping down his face.
   He breathes heavily, his hand gripping his chest. He looked up, brown eyes. Mark had won. You sighed in relief and rushed to him. He embraced you eagerly, tears falling from his face. You kissed him passionately, this is the Mark you wanted. He took a deep breath and looked down.
   "What!?" He blushed and buttoned up his shirt, examining his jeans. He grumbled and fixed his hair again, shaking his head dry. You held him close, feeling his strong arms wrap gently around your waist. You wanted this Mark, not Dark. He kissed your nose softly, pulling your lips to his. His kiss was slow, passionate, and loving. Dark's was..lustful, painful, and rough. He regained his composure and shook his head.
   "I'm going to have to have a serious talk with Dark."
   "Yeah..try telling him to keep his hands off of me." His eyes widened and he glared at the ground.
    "That son of a bitch. We're just going to have to keep fighting, and hope I can keep him in control."
   "I hope he does. I'm tired of Dark coming out to play. He doesn't play very nice."

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