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(A/N: Since I have been doing a lot of Mark imagines, I don't want you guys thinking I stopped doing Jack. I love them both! My requests lately have been just of Mark, but that doesn't mean I'm just doing him! Here's a Jack imagine for you lovelies!)
    "Come on! We're going to be late!" Jack exclaimed, carrying the picnic basket and blanket to the car. Jack was recently staying at your house after he had flown from Ireland to spend the weekend with you. You were beyond excited to finally show your boyfriend a few things he had yet to see. Once of them is seeing fireworks for the first time.
   "Okay, okay! I'm coming, give me a minute!"
   "Fireworks don't wait! Fireworks explode and shit! Come on! Come on! Come on!" You giggled as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you outside. This was his very first time seeing fireworks, and he felt like a little child. He jumped in his seat, fiddling with his beanie and rubbing his hands together. You chuckled and kissed his cheek before jumping in the car.
    "I am so excited, lass! I've only seen these on TV! Holy balls!" He shouted, startling you. You smiled at him and started the long drive. Once you had made it to the park, Jack jumped out and rushed over to your side. He pushed his green hair out of the way before intertwining his hand with yours. He couldn't wipe the grin from his lips as you both down the road. There were already several people sitting in chairs and benches, awaiting the beautiful show to begin.
   "Just wait for the finale!" You said, seeing his eyes light up. He jumped around, smiling from ear to ear. He set the blanket out and set the basket on top. He pulled you down in his lap as the sun went down. He chuckled and hugged you tightly, thanking you for taking him. He looked at the men across from us working to get the fireworks and lighters set up.
   Soon, the sun went down and it was dark enough to begin the show. The music stopped playing and we were left in total silence. Jack gripped your waist tighter as he watched them light the first set of fireworks. The fireworks shot up into the sky, a loud "POP!" Indicating the firework had busted. Yellows and blue sparked from the sky, sending it in different directions.
   It crackled into the air, lighting up the world around us. Jack jumped slightly, laughing a little as he watched in awe. You turned to watch him follow the bursts of fireworks, smiling and his head tilted towards the sky. You kissed his neck and settled back into his chest, watching the show with him.
   "These are so damn beautiful, lass! Not as beautiful as you, though." He whispered, causing you to blush. You both watched dozen gets thrown into the sky, and the beautiful designs painted the stars. He continued watching them until the very last big finale came. Jack gasped at every single one that exploded into the sky. He couldn't contain his excitement as he whooped and hollered with the others as the show ended. He clapped loudly, smiling.
   "So, I'm guessing you enjoyed that?" You asked, giggling. He nodded violently and pulled you close to hug you. You hugged him back, feeling him chuckle. He pulled away and looked at you, his fingertips holding your chin. You looked into his blue eyes that were shining with happiness. He leaned down and kissed you softly, sending tingles all through your body. It was almost like a firework, the way sparks flew when your lips touched his.
   "I love you, (Y/N).." Jack whispered against your lips, smiling. You pulled away and moved he green hair in his eyes. He fixed his glasses and kissed your forehead before helping you up.
   "I love you too, baby. Now, just wait until I take you to the amusement park." You said, turning to pick up your things. You heard him gasp loudly and soon felt yourself being picked up. Your squealed in surprise as he spun you around and around in his arms. He peppered kisses all over your face until you were a blushing and giggling mess. He set you down carefully, while he let out his excitement by punching the air.
   "I'm gonna go to an amusement park. I'm gonna go to an amusement park!" He sang out loud, causing people to look over. You blushed and grabbed his hand, dragging him back to the car. He chuckled and pulled you in for one more kiss before you both headed home. You shook your head and smiled brightly at Jack, who was currently grinning hugely out the window.
My excited little Irishman, you thought giggling.


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