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    You woke up early this morning, admiring your sleeping boyfriend beside you. He was facing you, his eyes closed and small snores escaping his lips. His green hair was just a tad messy and fell in his face. The covers were wrapped around his waist, his shirtless chest being exposed.
    You carefully kissed his nose and got out of bed. You rubbed your eyes, stifling a yawn. You looked at the clock, "4:53 A.M." You internally groaned and shook your head. Before heading out, you grabbed a brush and quickly ran it through your hair.
    You got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. For some reason, you began to feel nervous as you went to the bathroom. You felt almost sick to your stomach, but you knew why you felt this way. You can do this, you thought to yourself. When you looked in the mirror, your confidence shattered.
    It was hard for you to love yourself. Your self esteem hasn't been very high ever since you were bullied back in high school. It was a challenge everyday, and Jack knew that.
    You quickly brushed your teeth, unable to stay away from the mirror. You eventually tore your eyes away from the mirror, your hands gripping eachother as you walked out. You sighed deeply and went into the living room. Five minutes later, you heard some ruckus being made upstairs.
    "(Y/N)? Babe?" You heard Jack call out, thumps leading down stairs. You smiled at him as he came into view. His tiny box tim pajama pants hung low on his hips, oh how he loved his Markimoo. (XD). He was still shirtless, but gasped as the chill of the morning air hit him. He squeaked and ran over to you before hugging you tightly.
    "'My nipples are not twisty fresh anymore! They're hard as diamonds right now! Holy hell!" You burst out laughing at his comment and rubbed his back. You quickly scooped up his blue sweatshirt from the couch and tossed it over to him.
    "Ah, thanks lass." He said, slipping it over his head. He walked over to the mirror on the wall and started fixing his hair. You rolled your eyes and giggled, him and his hair. He started making faces at himself in the mirror and posing.
    "DAMN! I am one sexy beast. I mean look at me, HOT DAMN! Tsssss." He licked his finger and pressed it to his butt. You giggled louder and shook your head. You wished you were as confident as he was, had as much self esteem as he did.
"Lass, come over here." Jack said to you. You walked over to him and he pulled you in front. His arms slid around your waist and clasped in front of your stomach. You both looked in the mirror, smiling. You weren't looking at you, you didn't want to. You concentrated on Jack's gorgeous blue eyes.
"I've never seen anything quite so beautiful." He whispered in your ear. You forced a laugh and looked at the floor. When he tried to make you look at the mirror, you just shook your head and tried to leave. He sighed, his smiling fading a little bit.
"Babe, you are beautiful." You nodded slowly, but the look on your face told him otherwise. He turned you around and was inches to your face. He stared into your eyes, his fingertips grazing your chin.
"(Y/N). You need to realize your beautiful. Hell, your gorgeous. I can't stand to think of you hurting because you can't see the beauty you have. If only I could show you what you look like to me. Your gorgeous baby, just..amazing." You sighed and looked down again, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
"Those hear in your head. Those bastards that tell you otherwise, are lying my dear." He pressed a sweet kiss on your forehead and held it for a minute before pulling away. Surprising you, he picked you up and held you in his arms. You squeaked and a smile lit up your face.
"Listen to me baby, your my one and only. Your my girl and to me you'll always be the most beautiful girl in the world. I promise you that." You kissed him on the lips before he set you down.
"Now my lady..shall we?" He said, imitating a horrible British accent. You giggled and waited for him to get changed until he took a hold of your hand, both  of you heading outside to enjoy the day.

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