Will You Accept This Dance?

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! Sorry it's been a couple days since my last imagine. I've been pretty busy and not had time to do much on here. But, don't you worry bc I've got a fresh new imagine now! Last night, my school had a Semi-Formal and that's what this imagine is going to be!. ENJOY LOVELIES!
P.S. This is a bit long, sorry about that.)

You groaned and grumbled as you slipped into your dress. You hated wearing dresses, and you hated getting dressed up. You weren't going with anyone, and you were too shy to ask anyone. Your parents begged you to go, so you were only doing this to make them happy. Your mom smoothed out your curled hair and gushed about your appearance.
"Oh sweetie, you look so beautiful! All the boys will be wanting you!" You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You had your eyes on one boy, but you didn't even know if he knew you were alive. After so many pictures and poses, you drove up to the school. Other students with flashy dresses and handsome dates on their arms walked into the doors.
You walked in quietly, paid for your ticket, and made your way to the main floor. The music was pumping and people around you slowly started to dance. It was in groups, and you managed to be the one person alone on the floor. Turning red, you walked to the side and leaned against the railing.
"Welcome to my house, baby take control now. We can't even slow down, we down have to go out!" You sang along with the music, swaying your body with the beat. You watched the other couples do their thing, and felt a little jealous. You looked around, finally spotting that one guy you were hoping came.
His galaxy blue and purple hair looked darker in the dim light, his glasses pushed up to his nose and his lips set in a nervous smile. He was also sitting on the side, moving along to the beat. Your eyes went down to his dress shirt and tie, and finally to his black slacks and shoes. He definitely knew how to look good.
He was with two of his other friends, who were currently dancing with their own girlfriends. He suddenly looked over, making eye contact with you. You almost screamed, but just quickly turned away. You decided never to look over ever again. After a couple songs, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked over, it was Mark.
"H-Hi." He said, trying to speak over the music. You blushed and waved at him, smiling a little. He ran a hand through his hair and looked on the dance floor.
"Would you like to dance with me? You look beautiful tonight...u-um..I was hoping you'd come tonight." You gaped at his words. You had no idea he liked you too, this was too good to be true. You nodded and he took your hand and lead you to a section on the floor. You giggled as he held your hands and spun you around. You two danced with each other, swaying and moving along.
Once the dance ended, a slow song came up. All around you, couples began kissing and pushed against each other as they slow danced. You both made faces and chuckled. You looked over to see his two friends motion towards you at him. He nodded, giving them a thumbs up. He turned back to you, holding his hand out again. His gentle eyes stared into yours, your hand in his now. He brought both of your arms around your neck, his gently gripping your waist.
"You look stunning in that dress." He said into your ear, making you giggle and blush. He smiled at you and you began to love that little smile. He suddenly spun you around, your arm above your head. You let out a chuckle and smiled widely at him. He stared into your eyes and started to sing the song to you.
You smiled at the ground, leaning against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You couldn't believe this was happening. He continued to sing into your ear until the song was over. He leaned back and kissed you on the cheek. You gasped and looked up.
"I had to..I serenaded you, so that means I get a kiss." You giggled and nodded, can't argue with that.
"Okay..well how about you serenade me some more, and I'll let you give all the kisses you want." He broke out into the largest smile you've see on him, making you smile back. He grabbed your hand and kissed it, motioning towards the floor. You nodded, walking out with him and spending the rest of the night dancing in his arms.

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