Don't Go Part Two

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(A/N: This is a little long. Sorry!)

You sat there, frozen in your own fear. Everything around you seemed to slow down. It was only you and..him. His hand stayed stretched out, wanting to grab yours. Your chest heaved up and down as he held his hands up in surrender. Your eyes were stinging, but you refused to close them even for a second.
"I know how shocking this must be. Please, Lass, don't leave. I'm so tired of being alone." His voice was clearer now, even louder. His body shimmered in the light, dust particles passing right through him. You gulped, taking your time to look closer at him. He didn't seem as threatening as you thought he did. Cautiously, and very slowly, you helped yourself up.
The guy watched you closely as you backed against the wall and stared at him. He let his hands fall to his sides and smiled at you. You could barely make out his smile, but you could see it. You breathed slowly, trying to stop the rapid beating in your chest.
"Please..don't go."
"I-I..I won't." You finally answered, finding your voice again. He walked over to the couch, sitting down and motioning towards the other side. As he sat down, he didn't leave an impression in the cushions, nor was there any weight added onto it. You made your way past the glass and onto the couch, your eyes on him the whole time.
"S-So..your a-a..."
"A ghost? Yes, yes I am. Your the first person I've interacted with in years. It's quite nice to hear another person's voice. I'm terribly sorry to have scared you, I didn't mean for you to get hurt. Hmm..blood..I haven't had that for awhile either. My name is Jack, Jack McLoughlin. It's nice to meet you, Lass." You caught his Irish tone as he talked.
"I-It's nice and..shocking to meet you too. It's okay that you scared just startled me is all. My name is (Y/N)..(Y/N) (L/N)." Jack nodded, looking at you with thoughtful eyes. He sheepishly looked over at the shattered vase lying on the ground. He seemed more solid looking now, you couldn't see the couch behind him as clearly anymore.
"I also apologize for the vase. I just..I wanted to talk to you. I didn't know how to this was my plan." You nodded, starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the situation. You still wasn't sure if you were just going insane or had snapped, but you decided to go along with it. You looked over him, seeing him trail his fingertips along the top of the couch arm.
"You probably have a lot of questions for me. So, I'm going to answer them now. Seeing as your living in my house now, we should probably get comfortable with each other, yeah?" You nodded quickly, watching him stand up. He pointed towards the wall in front of him.
"Can I go through walls? Yes I can." He stated, simply walking through the wall, then back out again. You gasped, trying to wrap your head around all of this. He chuckled and ran a hand through his light green hair. Then, he reached over to the remote setting on a table beside the couch.
   "Can I touch things? Yes, but it takes a lot of concentration and energy." He stated, passing through the remote and table. He huffed, staring hard at the remote and gritting his teeth. After a few attempts, his hand swatted the remote and send it flying to the floor. You jumped and gulped. He smiled at you, walking back over to sit by you.
   "I have no idea if I can control a human being, I've never tried it before. No, I promise I won't be doing any of that anytime soon. I can pass through you, but it's an uncomfortable feeling for both of us. Now, I know what one question must be on your mind. How I died." You nodded slowly, clutching your hands in your lap. Jack fidgeted in his spot, his image flickering in and out.
   "I died 20 years ago. In this house actually, in the basement. Someone broke in and decided to push my down the stairs into the cellar. Then, as you may have figured by now, it injured me greatly. It was..the guy who finished it for me." Jack raised his head up, exposing his pale neck. You noticed a long gash from one side to the other. Blood spurted from the wound, trickling down his skin and the sound of tearing flesh filled the room.
   You gasped and closes your eyes, shaking your head. When you opened them again, Jack was back to normal again. You sighed, seeing him smiling at you apologetically. You took time to let this all set in. Your hands continued to shake as you thought about how crazy your life took a turn in just a few short seconds. Jack was staring at your quivering hands.
   "(Y/N)? Can I try something? I won't hurt you, I promise." You hesitated for a few seconds until you nodded your head. He began to move closer, making you hold your breath. You couldn't feel the shift in weight, his body heat, anything. He sat close to you, his hand reached out. He looked into your eyes, studying them.
   "Your full of so much color." He whispered, smiling. You let him graze your skin, but ended up passing through it. You shivered as tingles of chills ran through your veins. Jack grumbled as he gritted his teeth and focused more. Soon, you could feel his cool fingers intertwine with yours. You both gasped at the same time, confused about the feeling. You couldn't believe what was happening. Your skin ripped with goosebumps as you felt his cold skin against yours. He looked up and smiled, you even saw his dull eyes shining.
   "Thank you for staying..thank you."

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