Jack's Younger Sister

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! This is a requested imagine! Thank you Freddy_Fazbear812 for wanting me to write your brilliant imagine! I am very sorry it took so long to do! Enjoy lovelies! I apologize for the length!)

    You chuckled as Jack shouted, losing in a game. He grumbled under his breath and passed the controller onto you. You stuck your tongue out at him, bumping him slightly in the shoulder before starting to play. You were jack's younger sister, and he made sure you knew that. He smirked at you and ruffled your hair, making you shoot a glare at him. He watched you for a few minutes, giving you pointers before his phone rang. You flickered a glance to him as he stood up pressed his phone against his ear.

"Hey Mark! Yeah....sure!...sounds good!...mom is at work, so we have to house to ourselves...no, just me and (Y/N)....you grab the pizza, and I'll grab movies....sweet!...uh huh...see you then!" He hung up, smiling. You looked at him curiously, pausing the game. He chuckled and headed into the kitchen, where you followed. He shifted his beanie resting on top of his green hair, reaching into the fridge.

"Lass, Mark is heading over. Since mom's at work, we're just going to have a movie day. You can join if you want. Oh yeah, and Mark says hi." He said casually, looking around the fridge for some drinks. Your stomach started churning and a smile rested on your face. Mark Fishbach, Jack's best friend. He came over plenty of times, you got to know him. Even you two were considered friends. You'd never tell your brother, but you had a major crush on Mark. You two had become close over the years, and you couldn't deny your feelings for him. You nodded, before heading upstairs. You checked your appearance, fixing your hair. You felt silly for doing it, but you just wanted to make sure.

You were heading down the stairs when you heard Jack and Mark talking in the living room. You fiddled with your black and red flannel sleeves. You had on your favorite flannel, a pair of black skinny jeans, and your socks. You smiled at Mark as you appeared in the room. Mark looked up from his conversation with Jack, and shot you a smile. You tripped over your feet, blushing. Mark stared at you, his eyes locked with yours. His red hair was slightly damp from the rain storm happening outside. He had on a similar flannel, making you both chuckle. He shoved his hands into his jeans pocket. His smile was something you loved to see. It lit up his whole face, and made his soft chocolate eyes shimmer. Jack looked at you, then back at mark, then back at you again.

"Uh, lass? Earth to (Y/N)!" Jack yelled, startling you. You snapped out of your daze, clearing your throat. Mark looked slightly embarrassed as well, rubbing the back of his neck. Jack looked at you suspiciously before grabbing the food and drinks. He set them on the coffee table, plopping down on the sofa. You snatched a drink before also settling on a different couch. Mark lingered his look over to the spot next to you, but picked a spot next to Jack. He pulled out a stack of movies in his bag, making you and Jack both cheer. Jack heaved himself up and set up the movie, letting it play. He turned off the lights and drew the blinds, the TV screen being the only thing emitting light. Throughout the whole movie, you couldn't help stealing glances over at Mark.

Your eyes followed his sharp jawline, and the way his lips moved as he had quiet discussions with Jack. He ran a hand through his hair, glancing over at you. You snapped your eyes back to the screen, feeling your face heat up. Sometime after the first couple of movies, you stood up and headed to the bathroom. The sound of explosions and giddy chuckles from the two boys became distant. You used the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror. You willed the blush to go away as you opened the door to go out. You yelped quietly as you bumped into somebody. The other person let out a gasp, stumbling back a little. You realized it was Mark.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" You apologized, your hand on his arm. He chuckled nervously and nodded his head. His eyes went down to your hand on his arm. You gulped and pulled it away, chuckling. You went to move past him, but he seemed to be going the same way. You two clashed again, letting out small laughter. You went to step away, but then his eyes locked with yours. You were inches from him, but you two made no attempt to make distance. He swallowed. his hand going to your cheek. Your eyes were wide, but you let him caress your cheek. You could hear the TV going off, and occasionally Jack's cheers.

"Do you have any idea..what you do to me?" Mark whispered, his face dusted with blush as well. You shook your head, his other hand gently intertwining with yours. He smiled a little, leaning closer. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you remained silent.

"I've liked you ever since Jack introduced you to me. I just..I can't stop thinking about you. Jack would flip his shit if he found out. It's just..I really like you, (Y/N)..I always have." Mark said quietly. You looked at him, the only thing giving off light was the bathroom. You smiled up at him, your excitement making you cover your mouth in surprise. You caught him off guard when you threw your arms around his neck. He chuckled, hugging you back. You smelled his cologne, your smile getting bigger. Mark, likes me..he actually likes ME, you thought. He rubbed your back before pulling you at arms length. He smiled softly, before leaning close. His lips brushed against yours, making you go completely red.

"Now I can finally show you..just how much I like you." He whispered before pressing his lips against yours. You instantly melted into the kiss, kissing him back. Your lips moved in sync with his, your hand locked around his neck. His lips were so soft and seemed to mold with yours. Before you two could enjoy the moment, the light above you flashed on. You both froze, pulling away quickly. You both turned to see Jack standing at the end of the hallway. His eyes were wide and his mouth dropped open. It was quiet for a few minutes before he burst out laughing.

"I came to take a piss..and this is what I find!?" He chuckled, shaking his head and making his way to the both of you. Mark tried to stutter out something, to try and talk, but Jack silenced him. He pulled you into a quick hug and looked at Mark.

"Look, I totally saw it coming the moment you two met. I was just waiting until you both would stop being wimps and go for it. Mark, your my best friend. I know you'll take care of you. (Y/N), It was kinda hard to not tell when you were practically drooling at the sight of him." You gasped and shoved Jack roughly. Jack chuckled and led you two back to the living room. Mark leaned over and kissed your forehead, pulling you down next to him.

"Now, remember you two. I do not want to have to look over and see my best friend sucking face with my sis-"

"Jack!" You both shouted at him.

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