HeartBreak Part 2,Jack

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   You ran a hand through your already messy hair, shaking your head. You couldn't sleep all night, resulting in the bags under your eyes. Your face was red and puffy from crying, but now you were just sad. Sad and alone. You received a large amount of calls and texts from Jack, but you couldn't bring yourself to talk to him. He needed to know that he hurt your feelings.
   You weren't used to the silence that rang through your house. You were used to the shouting and energetic voice of your boyfriend. Before you could start tearing up again, you shook your head and pushed those thoughts from your head.  You took a deep breath and took your mind off of Jack by cleaning. It started with the kitchen, but then it ended up being the whole house.
   "Well...that was fun." You spoke out to no one, your heart aching at the fact that nobody would answer back. You spent the whole afternoon trying anything get your mind off of him, but in the end he was still there. Before you could start cooking dinner, you heard a knock at the door.
Your heart skipped a beat as you rushed to it, instantly pulling it open. You had hoped it was your Jack, apologizing and pulling you back into his arms once again. This fantasy was short lived when the door swung open to show the face of his not so friendly, friend. He winked at you, looking from your head to your feet. You shivered under his stare and pushed the door closed.
Your breath caught in your throat when his hand blocked it from closing. His smirk grew larger as he shoved it back open and stepped inside. You gulped, walking slowly backwards and glaring at him. He reached his hand out, motioning you to come near him. He licked his lips, chuckling.
"Like I said before, I like feisty ones. Your Jack isn't here anymore, come with me baby. I can show a whole new side of fun. Damn baby." He said huskily, gripping your wrist. You struggled to get free, but he was much stronger. He forced you against him, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist.
"There, this is what I like." He whispered in your ear, making your skin crawl. You shoved him as hard as you could, but he only responded with a hard shake of your shoulders. You groaned and tried to stop the throbbing in your head. He looked closely at you, smiling evilly. You shook your head, you didn't want any of this to happen.
"Calm down, Princess. The game has only begun." With that, he slammed his lips on yours. You started thrashing, but he bit your bottom lip hard. You froze and started crying, having no escape to be free. Suddenly, as he was started to squeeze you tighter, you heard the back door open. You wiggled in his grip, hearing another set of footsteps come your way.
"Lass? I-I where are you? We need to talk baby, Angel? Please I ju-" Jack's voice was cut off as his eyes centered in on yours. You tried to talk, but your voice was muffled from his friend's lips. You could taste blood and the tears were blurring your vision. Jack's eyes lit with anger as he sprinted towards you. He flung a bouquet of roses to the floor and shoved his friend away. He was ripped away from you and knocked into the front door.
"DON'T YOU EVER..AND I MEAN EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN. DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU SON OF A BITCH, DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" His voice rose a pitch as he grabbed the guy by the collar and forced him out the door. Although he was shorter than the man, he was proving his strength. The guy was dazed from his head getting knocked and was shoved to the ground.
You stood there, trembling with fear as blood ran down your lips. You could hear Jack going berserk as a few punches were thrown before he guy decided to run. Jack rushed back inside and held you in his arms. You looked at him, feeling his fingertips wipe away the blood. He stood there and apologized for a whole hour, cleaning you up and apologizing some more.
"I swear on my life Lass, I will never EVER treat you like this ever again. I will never leave you alone like this. I can promise you that. I am so sorry Lass, I am so sorry." You wiped the tears away from his face, finally being able to calm back down again.
"I still love you, Jack." You whispered, your voice trembling as you pulled him into a hug. He kissed your lips passionately, holding you gentle and gingerly, as if you were glass. He pulled away for just long enough to grab the crumpled roses and hand them to you.
"Will you have me back, Angel?"
"Of course I will. Of course I will." You set the roses down and eagerly pulled him back in for another tear jerking kiss.

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