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   You walked to school, the sun just coming up from behind the clouds. You sighed, your music blaring in your ears. You hated going to school, you hated even the thought of it. You were bullied there, they made you feel worthless and angry. With a deep breath, you made it to the door, cursing yourself for not just pretending you were sick today.
   You quickly walked to your locker, your head nodding along to the beat of your music. You could just barely hear people talking around you, only a few since it was still the morning. Before you could shut your door, someone ripped your ear bud out. You gasped, turning to come face to face with the well known bully.
   "Could you turn your gay music down? That'd be great, thanks." She said, flicking the earbud back in your face. You flinched, glaring at her. You never really understood why that girl didn't like you, she just decided to make you her target. She was the head cheerleader of the school, her dad being the principle.
   She was the perfect little princess to everyone..except you of course. She giggled and winked at you while you gathered your books in your arms and tried to ignore her. She cleared her throat and pulled the other ear bud out. Your arms were occupied with the book, resulting in you just standing there enduring it.
   "I said turn it down, dumbass." She said with a smirk, shoving you against the locker. Your books fell from your grasp and scattered all over the floor. She laughed louder and kicked one all the way down the hallway. You sneered at her and gave her one hard shove back.
   She fell to her butt on the cement, gasping and looking surprised. She threw curses at you while she clambered back up, patting the dust off of her skirt. You didn't have time to react as her fist collided with your face. Your head whipped to the left as a shock of pain rippled through your cheek.
   "That's what you get, bitch." She spat, stomping away to her little group of followers. You stood there shaking for a few seconds, blood dripping onto the floor. Tears filled your eyes, you were used to this. You had bruises on your arms and other areas of your face to prove it. You wiped your bloody nose and kneeled down to pick up the books.
   "Let me help." A deep voice startled you. You look up to see a guy handing you the book that was skidded all the way down the hallway. You grabbed it and continued to stack the books against the wall. Your nose stung, finally getting all the books. The guy helped you up, but had a look of sadness in his eyes.
    "Let me help." He said again, motioning towards the blood trickling down your face. You knew the guy, but not very well. You've just seen him around, you we're too shy to meet new people. You recognized him from his wild blue hair, and chocolate brown eyes. You were about to object, but he was already leading you to the girls' bathroom. You blushed when you noticed he was still going in with you but went with it as he pulled you near the sink.
    "She's a snobby little bitch." The guy, Mark, said angrily. You nodded, wiping the tears that soaked your face. He gingerly cleaned off your face, staring at you with those big sad eyes. When he was done, he pulled you into a hug. It was very warm and gentle. It made you feel better as he pulled away and looked at your face. You couldn't deny when you realized how cute he was.
    "Don't worry, I won't let it happen again. Hi, I'm Mark, and I shall be your friend." Those words made a smile appear on your broken face, a happy smile. You nodded to him and he helped you to your class. He kept his promise, talking with you and hanging out with you. You two found out that you had a lot in common with him. Mark protected you from the bully, even standing up for you, which no one had really done for you before.
   You were the happiest you've ever been, knowing a guy like Mark was protecting you and bringing that smile that seemed to be so lost before.

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