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   You giggled to yourself as you walked through the door. You had limited time to get this done before Jack would be done recording. You quickly walked to the bathroom and shut the door. Luckily for you, Jack was recording a string of videos for his trip to L.A next week. Tearing open the box, you set all the contents on the counter and smiled.
   You decided you were going to dye some of your hair green. You were walking through the store and saw it, so why not? You mixed all of the chemicals together and got your gloves on. It was a beautiful and bright lime green, prefect for what you wanted. You went to work, putting a glob in your hands and starting. You decided to dye the bottom half of your hair the green color.
   "He will love this." You giggled, coloring your hair and making every inch was lathered in the dye. Once finished, you carefully pulled it back and waited for it to set it. Passing the time, you listened to Jack scream and shout as he played video games. You loved hearing his laugh, it was honestly the most richest sound.
   Your timer went off, letting you know to wash it out. It didn't take long, and soon you were drying and getting it ready. You two were heading out tonight for a double date with your friends, so this was the perfect timing. Once dry and styled, you looked at it in the mirror. It went beautifully with your (E/C), it's shiny and glossy green shining in the light.
   "Babe!? Where are you?" Jack called out, his footsteps thudding back and forth. You opened the door and stepped out, walking with a smile on your face towards Jack. When he turned around, his jaw dropped as his eyes went to your hair.
   "What do you think?" You asked, watching his gasp turn into a cheer. He clapped wildly and crushed you with a hug. He laughed in your ear and kissed your cheek. He seemed so happy and excited that it made your heart pound and blush to dust on your cheeks. He blabbered on about how much he liked the color on you and how happy he was that you did it for him.
   Walking out the door, his eyes where still on you as you shut the door. He smiled and took your hand in his, flipping the scarf he had around his neck behind him.
   "Now we go out...IN STYLE!" He shouted, both of you starting down the street where Jack continued to show EVERYBODY your new hair. What can you say? Green looked absolutely FABULOUS on you.

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