Secret Part 2

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! So, a lot of your guys liked the Secret one, which I'm surprised. I didn't know you all would love it so much so I'm going to make a Part Two since you guys wanted one. Enjoy lovelies. It's almost midnight here, so if it's bad I'm sorry.)

"So, your really half Irish, lass?" Jack asked you, looking over his shoulder at you. You nodded and smiled at him, you loved it when he called you "Lass." He grinned, grabbing a couple of more beers for you and the guys. After launching the empty ones at Felix and Mark, you obviously needed more ammo.
"My mom helped me hide my accent more, so that it couldn't be heard as much. It sometimes slips out when I'm not paying attention." Jack nodded and handed you a can. You thanked him and took a couple sips from it. You followed him back into the living room where Felix and Mark were waiting.
"If you two could skip a little faster, that'd be great! The movie is about to start!" Mark grumbled, grabbing a can and sitting on the couch. Mark looked over at you and smirked, he had plenty more to say about you being Irish. Once the movie started, there was no point in watching it. Felix kept flicking popcorn over at Jack and apologizing in his best Irish accent.
"You guys suck ass at impersonating me. I hope you know that." Jack commented, smiling widely. You giggled and agreed with him. Jack suddenly got up and pulled you along with him.
"If you really want to see how am Irish jig is done, watch this." He winked at you, and you nodded at him. Soon, you both were dancing an Irish jig, plenty better than Mark or Felix had been doing. Felix ended up flat on his butt after he tried it, and Mark almost broke his ankle trying to copy you.
"Pshh lousy Irish my ass!" Jack shouted, fist bumping you afterwards. Mark chuckled and pranced around the room, shaking his finger at you and skipping. You rolled your eyes and looked over at Jack. He mockingly glared at Mark.
"You know, I think your accent is cute when it comes out. You should let it go more often." The comment took you by surprise and you felt your face heat up. Felix was ranting about how Swedish was better than Irish, and Mark was still practicing his accent.
"Really? Ya think so? I don't ta usually do it often." You let your accent run thick as you answered him back. His smile seemed to stretch and he looked genuinely happier. Mark got a kick out of it and ruffled the top of your head.
"Do you want any lucky charms, lass?" Mark said, winking. You groaned and looked at Jack who seemed entertained by this. You swiped an empty can in your hands.
"So, you want to play this game? Fine." You stated, seeing Jack pick up a can also. Mark and Felix and looked at each other before putting their hands up and backing away slowly. You grinned at them before raising the can above your head.
"Good luck, laddies. May the luck of ta Irish be on your side."

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