When He Hears You Sing

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You looked outside the window, watching cars silently pass by and their lights bouncing off of puddles on the sidewalks. The wind made the trees dance and shake, the bustle of midnight people hurrying to get out of the storm approaching.
It was quiet inside the house, aside from Mark's booming voice filtering out of the walls. It was muffled enough not to bother you, it was still entertaining even if you could hear him. You took a deep breath, today was a day to yourself. Mark had to make up more videos, leaving you to do whatever.
You were in your comfy black sweatpants,long sleeve shirt, and beanie. Your sock covered feet slid over the wood floor as you went to your piano. Mark knew how to play a little, but you were the reason it was here in the first place. You didn't play a lot in front of him, only when you were alone.
You sat down, feeling the groove you've worn down in the seat from so many years. Your fingertips gently drifted over the smooth keys, some ringing out its beautiful chime. You thought about what you wanted to play, then remembered one that Mark had sang.
You remembered the Five Nights at Freddy's two song he had played, in one of his video productions. The song played in your head as you closed your eyes. Remembering the keys, your fingers automatically placed themselves on the spots and you started playing. You started to smile as the music played in your ears and brought a gleeful feeling.
"Something here seems foul..something here just reeks of blood and suffering. Could it be these halls are echoing?...of death...we'll see." You let your voice slip out quietly, your head nodding along to the rhythm. You knew how amazing Mark's voice was, and a couple of times he had heard yours too. Your musical side was very shy and unwilling to open up to Mark as much as he did with his.
"In all my dream I see...a maze of halls with bloody walls and countless scrawls reminding me its me." You were relieved you hit the high note, feeling your fingers start to play faster. Your voice effortlessly formed the words and to other people, it would be warm and beautiful. You sighed, the keys still being played as the next part came on.
"Wow..." You heard Mark say out loud behind you. Your fingers froze, a gasp leaving your lips. You turned around quickly, being faced with Mark standing in front of his door. His eyes were bright and a huge smile was on his face. He shook his head and walked over to you. You blushed bright red and looked down. You felt his lips press against your head, making you look up.
"That was beautiful (Y/N). Wow..just..wow." He whispered, smiling at you. You giggled and scratched the back of your neck nervously. You thanked him, your blush still visible on your cheeks. He rubbed his thumb over your hand and carefully placed your hands back on the keys. You looked at him, confused.
"Why don't we make this a duet?" He stated, a smile in his voice. It took awhile for him to convince you, but then you eventually started playing. Once he kissed your lips before starting, it helped you to let your voice come out again. That's how you two spend the night, singing to each other and listening to the smooth and beautiful voices of one another.

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