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It was a beautiful day. The sun was hidden behind the clouds, but the weather was crisp and clean. You watched the leaves scatter over the pavement in different colors, winter was coming soon. You breathed in a lungful of cool air and smiled. You looked over to see Mark staring at you. A blush bloomed on your cheeks as you looked down at the ground and smiled.
"Are you ready?" He asked you, his had scooping your chin and lifting it up. You met his chocolate brown eyes, soft and loving, and nodded. His lips captured yours for a few minutes before you pulled away and started walking. The chatter of morning was heard all around you. The shouts and beeps of traffic, giggles and laughs of hyper children, and the delicious aromas of different restaurants and concessions.
Mark decided to take you out on a date today, seeing how beautiful it was, he didn't want to let it go to waste. You two walked hand in hand, bundled up in your favorite beanie, Jeans, and converse. Mark was looking as gorgeous as ever. His pink hair blew around him, you loved how big and wavy it was. Definitely great for running your fingers through it.
You both walked inside a casual restaurant and was led to a booth in the corner. You two sat down, ordering your food and starting a conversation. He talked about his new games and you listened to every word, you loved hearing about his day. You then talked about how your college was going and your career ideas, once again he made sure to listen intently.
    You both reached for each other's hand and intertwined them gently, both leaning on the table. You were loving every minute of today, it was nice to just spend time with your Markimoo. After a couple minutes of your food being set down, Mark had to go to the bathroom. Once he left, you started eating.
    "Well helloooo there." A voice startled you, making you look up. A guy was leaning on the booth, smirking down at you. He had long brown hair and a piercing above his eyebrow. He was wearing a button down flannel with ripped skinny jeans. He didn't look bad, but you were with Mark, always will be. You gave him a friendly smile and waited for him to leave.
He didn't.
    "Now what's a hottie like you doing here? Damn girl, you fine." You felt a prick of anger begin inside you, you wasn't appreciating the way he was talking to you. You let your smile drop and looked at him sternly. You motioned towards the plate of untouched food across you. Instead of getting the message and leaving, he leaned down close to your face.
"I am with somebody. You can leave now." You snapped at him, clenching your fists. He chuckled amusingly and grazed your arm with his fingertips. You gave him a disgusted look and glared. You heard somebody come up behind you and felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Babe? Who's this?" Mark's deep voice rang out, making you feel safer. You gladly stepped back and gave Mark a look. He looked at you and the guy, getting the message. His smile turned into a stern sneer as he wrapped an arm around your waist. His grip tightened as the guy looked at you hungrily. When he winked and licked his lips, Mark had enough.
    "Lay off, she's my girl. Mine, not yours. Why don't you go fuck off." Mark growled, his anger surprising you. You've seen him mad before of course, but not when he got protective. The dude faltered in his smirk but just shrugged and gave you one last look.
    "If you ever want it done right, come to me baby. I know just how you like it." He said to you seductively, making you feel sick. Mark's veins in his arms stood out as he glared into the guy's soul. One the guy had left, Mark quickly payed for his untouched food and angrily left. He held your hand tightly and let a breath out as you went inside your house.
    "Your my girl." He stated simply, looking down at the ground. You went up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned close to him.
    "All yours." You whispered, kissing his nose lightly. He let a smile crack through and gently grabbed you. He sat on the couch and pulled you on his lap. He stared at you for a few short moments before pressing his lips against yours. It was slow and gentle at first, but then he started getting a little rougher. You giggled into the kiss as he grabbed your waist and pushed you against him.
    "All of you. I want all of you, nobody else gets to have you. I need my baby girl." He said quietly, almost like a little kid talking to his mother. You melted at his words and your heart fluttered. All you could do was nod quickly and resume the kissing until Mark felt better again. Which took awhile to make it all better.

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