The Breakup Part 2

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   "I don't want to talk about it right now, mom." You said quietly, looking at the floor. You could imagine the concern on your mother's face as you called at one in the morning, sobbing into the phone. You met her at a corner street where she picked you up. You were silent the whole way to her house, the voice of your mother bombarding you with questions on the way.
   You slowly got out of the car, your heart hurting and your eyes wet. Your mother carefully helped you inside, sitting you on a chair in the kitchen. She wiped away your tears and gave you a tight hug. Smiling sadly, she grabbed some clothes for when you came over, and let you take a warm shower.
   You couldn't stop thinking about Mark, which made you end the shower short. You couldn't wipe your eyes dry as you got dressed and headed straight to bed. Your mom stopped herself when she saw the look on your face, and let you head to bed. You turned off the light and threw yourself in the covers.
    You let it all out as you screamed and cried into your pillow. You thought about Mark's heartbroken face, his bloodshot eyes and voice. You cried harder until your chest ached and you could finally breathe again. Emotionally exhausted, you rolled over to one side and grabbed your phone. It was filled with missed calls and text messages..all from Mark.
"I messed up..I messed up real bad. Please come back (Y/N)! Please."
"Please for the love of God, come back to me. I can make this right! Believe me, please!"
"I don't want to be apart, please let me make this right again! I can't think straight please! Come back!"
"You mean the world to me, don't do this please! This breakup will kill me, please!"
   With each voice message and text you received, the more your sore throat let out more sobs. You wanted nothing more than to jump back in his strong arms and let him apologize and take him back. You had to prove a point though, you had to show him what he lost.
   Tossing the phone to the floor, you let out a scream in your pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

   Mark paced back and forth in the livingroom, phone in hand. He knew how many voice calls and messages he had sent, but he couldn't stop. His voice was raw from shouting around the house and his hand was sore from hitting the wall. He knew he could have possibly just lose the most important thing in the world to him.
   "Why did I have to be such an asshole! Why?! WHY!? I deserve to be alone." He shouted, new tears soaking his face up. He groaned and clenched the phone tight in his hand. He knew he had to fix this, he knew he had to get you back. Running his hand through his for the hundredth time, he sat down and took a deep breath. Wiping hastily at his face, he stared at the floor and thought of you.
   His heart hurt at the image of you crying. He hurt you real bad, and now he was paying for it. His shaking hands gripped his hair, the pain he felt inside was almost too much to bear. After sitting there for hours on end without one sound from his phone, he got an idea. His head shot up and he caught his reflection in the TV.
   Messy hair, bloodshot eyes, wet face. He shot up on his feet, heading out the door.
   "I'm going to get you back, (Y/N)."

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