Sweet Surprise Part 2

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    The plane landed hours after you had fallen into a light slumber. You dreamed of fiery red hair and the softest, chocolate brown eyes. You awoke with a start when the plane jolted. You yawned and rubbed your tired eyes. There was quiet chatter as people quickly grabbed their things from the cupboards above us. I stretched and grabbed my own bag, heading out of the plane. You checked your phone, seeing it being around 2:00 p.m. You smiled and headed out of the airport and into the city. You scrolled through your phone, seeing the address Mark had given you awhile go. You two had this meeting face to face conversation before. You just didn't know what time would be good for that occasion. Now seemed as good as ever. Knowing this was it, you clenched your phone and started waving down a taxi. Your heart started pounding as you willed for the yellow car to hurry.

You finally managed to wave down a taxi, seeing it pull up to the curb. You smiled warmly at the woman in the driver seat, seeing her tip her hat at you. You climbed into the back, setting your bag next to you. You looked around, seeing all the people and city life spring to life. She looked back, her hand on the shoulder of the other seat. She awaited your directions, a smug smile on her lips. You ran a hand through your tousled hair and pulled out your phone. You read the address carefully, seeing her nod and turn back around.

"You got it, ma'am. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. We should be there in about 20 minutes." She said, looking into the rear view mirror. You nodded at her, thanking her as you looked out the window. You watched all the people pass by, and the cars that lined the streets. Well, this was L.A, you thought in amazement. You wondered why Mark wasn't texting back, but you shrugged it off and settled back in the seat. Time was almost up, you were about to see Mark. You couldn't help but think of how close you were going to be to him. You wanted to kiss him. The thought surprised you, making blush creep across your cheek. You giggled and shook your head, willing the thought to go away. After getting stuck in traffic quite a few times, the cars were thinning and your destination had been reached. The girl pulled into Mark's drive.

"Thank you." You say as you grab your things and close the door. She smiles at you and grabs the money you hand her. She waved a single hand out the window before she left you standing in the driveway. You smiled, looking at the house. You were shaking from excitement as you started walking up the driveway.

Markimoo, here I come..


Mark eventually landed late in the afternoon. There were complications with the flight and a few delays before he finally took off. Today just didn't seem to be his day. His frown instantly turned into a smile at the thought of you. He was so excited he smiled all the way out of the airport. He shielded his eyes from the sun and started heading out the door. He searched his messages until he also found your address. He knew both of you wanted to fly out and meet each other, but the plans were never set. I guess now they were. He took a deep breath and started walking. Once he got his bearing correct, he realized it was only a walking distance from the airport to your house. He didn't mind the walking as he plugged his earphones in and listened to music on the way.

How should I greet her?, Mark thought. Hey girl, how's it shakin'? Ew no, too much of a douche. What about, "SURPRISE! GUESS WHO!? Mark cringed and shook his head. No, I don't want to give her a damn heart attack. Hmm, Hey (Y/N), It's so nice to see you. You look beautiful as always...surprise. Mark smiled a little, that's the one. He was hyping himself up as he walked, trying to shove the nervousness he was feeling in his stomach, away. I am Mark, quit being such a bubble blowing baby, he thought. He nodded to himself, but he could feel his stomach turning the closer he got to your house. Finally, after 10 minutes of walking, he made it. He stood at the end of your drive, staring at your front door. It looked empty, but he was too nervous to even notice.

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