Sickness Part Two

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! It's around midnight right now and I should be asleep. I have a butt load of tests tomorrow but I'm too nervous about it to sleep so I'm going to write instead. This imagine was suggested twice by a reader so I shall make it happen! Enjoy lovelies!)

   You sat in the uncomfortable hard chair for hours it seemed. People came and gone, children screamed and cried, and nurses bustled here and there. You couldn't focus on the stupid packet laying currently in your lap. You had only gotten half of the pages done, you were too concerned about Jack.
   The image of him collapsed on the floor stayed burned into your brain. Your tears had stopped by now, but they left behind puffy eyes and a sore throat. You sniffled, forcing yourself to focus on the questions you had to answer. You looked up every so often, seeing if a Doctor was walking your way.
   It was around 9:00 p.m when you brought Jack in. When you looked up at the clock ticking away on the wall, you noticed it was now 12:00 p.m. You sighed, rubbing your tired face and finishing the packet. All those hours you had been staring at the double doors leading into the corridor Jack was carried through.
   "Mrs.(Y/L/N)?" A deep voice called out. Your head shot up and saw a warm smiling Doctor standing at the entrance. You quickly handed the papers to a nurse and met with the Doctor. He had kind green eyes and a balding head. He shook hands and introduced himself as Dr.Blake. You two discussed the situation as he led you to Jack.
   "It is a good thing you brought him here when you did. He was developing phenomenia. His lungs were starting to fill up with fluid. If you would have waited any longer, there would have been serious risks to his health. He is stable for now, but it took awhile to drain the fluid from his lungs. It was a careful and precise procedure. Everything went very well. He is going to be awake in a little bit, but you can see him until he wakes up."
   You nodded at him, wringing your hands nervously as he held a door open for you. You walked in quickly, seeing Jack lying in a hospital bed. Dr.Blake left you two alone as he shut the door to get a nurse. You sat in a chair beside him, grabbing his pale hand. You looked at the tubes connected all over him and the machines around him that beeped every now and then.
   He looked exhausted, the bags underneath his eyes more prominent now. He breathed steadily, his chest going up and down slowly. You took a shaky breath, kissing his knuckles. You wiped away the tears that were soaking your face. He looked so helpless, so not like Jack.
   "I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I should have taken you sooner. Your so stubborn, just please be okay. I love you, please be okay." Your voice broke, causing you to take a deep breath and compose yourself. You stayed there for awhile, just watching him breathe and sleep.
   You stood up to head to the restroom. As you turned to walk away, something grabbed your hand weakly. You gasped and spun around, seeing his bright blue eyes stare up at you. You cried out and gingerly hugged him, hearing him softly chuckle. You pulled away to litter kisses all over his face. He tried to smile, but couldn't muster up the energy to do so.
   "I told you I'll be fine." Jack exclaimed, his voice garbled and dry. He patted to an empty spot next to him on the bed. You carefully laid next to him, allowing him to pull you close and kiss your head. You rubbed his chest, hearing his wheezy breathing. He finally smiled at you, wincing at the needles he had now noticed. You chuckled and patted his leg. He looked at you in the eyes and smiled again. With a kiss on the cheek, he intertwined his hand with yours.
"I told you never to fear.. Because Jackiboy will always be here."

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