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(A/N: Hey lovelies! So, we are on our way to South Carolina! We're stopping at Charlotte,South Caroline where we're staying. So, 12 hours to go! We're in the car, it's 2:01 a.m, and I'm bored. UPDATE TIME MY LOVELIES!)

You could hear Jack's outro in his recording room, his voice as bubbly and bouncy as ever. You giggled and smiled, you loved that Irishman. You did notice a few things that have gotten..unusual you could say, with him. He seemed to be hanging out with his friends more, a lot more. When he would leave at night, he sometimes wouldn't come home until early dawn.
Sometimes he would say he doesn't even remember walking out the door. You blamed it on the alcohol he would consume on his night with the buddies, you believed he just had hangovers and the memory dissolved with the beer. As the months passed, Jack seemed to become two different people. You didn't like it, but you denied it.
"Hey Lass!" Jack chirped happily, pecking you on the cheek. You blushed and kissed him eagerly, smiling through the kiss. Blush dusted his cheeks as he winked at you and grabbed a drink from the fridge. He returned and sat down on the couch with you. He flipped through the TV, settling on a show, and pulled you in his arms.
"I love you, Lass." He whispered, cuddling next to you. You giggled and returned the loving words. You two stayed content, wrapped in each other's arms. Jack began to fidget around, rubbing his forehead. After he started moving around and let go of your waist, you looked up.
"Babe? What's wrong?" You asked, watching him wince from an invisible pain within his head. He gritted his teeth and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"It's just...damn I have a horrible migraine. It's been happening for a few months, but this one is the worst." You got up, venturing in the kitchen to fetch some medicine. You heard him grunting and a few curses muttered under his breath. You shook out two pills,putting everything away. You jumped, losing the pills when he let out a scream.
He was kicking around, gripping his hair on each side of his head. He shook his head, eyes rolling around his head. You gasped, seeing him grip the couch so tight his knuckles turned white. He rolled off the couch, vanishing from view, but still hearing his whines. You rushed towards him, forgetting about the pills scattered on the floor.
You leaned over the couch, seeing his shaking figure still. He was breathing in pants, but he seemed calmer down. So calm that a low chuckle slipped past his lips. You wanted to reach down and help him, but you hesitated. Why? He pushed himself up, dusting off his clothes. He ran a hand through his hair, making it slick to one of his face and hang in his eyes. He turned around, smiling widely at you. Fear gripped your heart. This wasn't Jack.
This was..inhuman.
The skin around his eyes were surrounded by black, almost like charcoal. His eyes were no longer that beautiful blue ocean. It was now washed away by a terrifying red gaze, his pupils almost non existent from all the red. What startled you the most was his left eye. It was neither blue nor red. It pulsed green, red veins scattering around the eyeball brightly. It was a bright, sickly, green color that made your stomach churn.
He had a permanent frown, his eyebrows pulled together in a menacing glare. He smirked at you, pointed teeth biting his lower lip. He clapped, making you jump. You shook your head, bewildered at what had happened in just a few moments.
"Ah, Lass. It's a pleasure to meet you! Jack probably hasn't mentioned me to you. Poor boy, he's just not as strong as I am. Allow me to introduce myself, dear. Anti-SepticEye." He bowed, sweeping his arm low below him. You blinked a couple times, willing yourself for it to all be a bad dream. He shook his head and cackled evilly, moving close to you. He stood in front of you, looking at you in the eyes. His stare unnerved you greatly. Suddenly, his hand pushed off a glass sitting next to you on the counter.
"What a beautiful sound." He mumbled, hearing the glass shatter and slivers of glass scattered along the carpet. You gasped and glared, watching your step as you backed away. He followed easily, fixing his collar on his blue jacket. He looked disgusted in what he was wearing as he pulled at the sleeves. He followed you easily as you back into the kitchen.
"Get away from me. Give me back Jack. Now." You tried to sound brave, but your voice wavered and blew your plan. He smirked, eyebrows raising up in amusement. He tapped his stubled chin, eyeing you.
"Oh, don't be like that, Lass. We can have so much fun! It's been so long since I've been able to inhabit a body. It feels so good to not be trapped anymore. Come, I want to hear that beautiful sound again." He purred, grabbing a plate from the table. Before you could respond, he threw the plate down forcefully. It shattered like the glass, it's sound echoing painfully off the tile floor. He hummed, his smile stretching over his glistening, pointy, teeth. His eyes flashed a blood red.
"Stop that! Give Jack his body back! This isn't fair, you Septic asshole!" You shouted angrily, fists clenched. He looked shocked for a moment, but covered it up by his hard mask. He glared at you, crossing the glass easily and gripping your wrist. The glass crunched under his feet as he pulled you to him. He forced your chin to look up. His left eye seemed the throb in its socket as it stared at you.
"I'd learn some manners if I were you, (Y/N). To me, it looks like we're going to be knowing each other for quite awhile." His voice was threatening and dripped with venom. You trembled, shaking your head. You wanted your Jackiboy back. His smirk relaxed when he looked at your lips. You looked down and avoided the piercing glass that could slice open your foot.
"Time to get to know each other." Anti muttered before forcing his lips on yours. You gasped, trying to back away. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and restrained you from moving. You kept your eyes wide open, as did he. He kissed you gently, with no intention to be rough. You didn't dare kiss his, this was still Jack..but it was..Anti-Jack?
"Come on, Lass." He mumbled against your lips. It sounded so much like Jack, it made your heart hurt. You lost all thought as he deepened the kiss. You melted into his lips and kissed him back. Your hands tangled in his bright green hair. He let out a low growl from
within his chest. You almost gasped when you saw Anti..blushing. His pale cheeks were clearly dusted with a light pink.
You were getting angry. How dare he get satisfaction from me, you thought. You gathered up enough guts to stop kissing for a moment to bite his lower lip. You tugged once, causing a gasp to erupt from Anti. He instantly pulled away, his face lighting up with pink. He tried to glare, but he was obviously shocked by this move by you. He ran a hand through his hair quickly and cleared his throat. He cursed, turning around.
"I definitely need to learn more from Dark...what did he say to do next?" He muttered angrily, shaking his head. He turned back around, more composed. Your hands trembled as they twisted around the hem of your shirt nervously. He watched you with his eyes, his eyes thoughtful. He sneered suddenly, clearing his mind. He pushed past you towards the cabinets. You had to jump out of the way as he began to fling your dishes and cups to the floor. Crash after crash of glass and China filled the kitchen.
"AH! DESTRUCTION IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MELODY!" He shouted, cackling so hard tears swam in his eyes. He was crazy, down right insane. As he went to throw a cup at the wall, his hand froze in the air. His eyes widened, his SepticEye pulsing rather quickly now. He shook his head, grunting. You watched his body tense up, his arm quivering.
"Oh no, the fun had just begun, come on!" He gasped and screamed as his hand dropped the plate and went for his throat. He held his own arm back with his other, a string of curses slipping out. You noticed his eyes were half and half. An icy blue and a fiery red. He let out whines of pain as he stumbled around the kitchen.
"ENOUGH! We were just having some fun! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK, LET ME BACK IN CONTROL! Oh Jack, I love it when you get all dominant like that. ANTI, I SWEAR TO GOD! What!? I want to have fun with your little girl-OW FUCK!" His own hand slapped him across the face hard, sending him into the fridge. He groaned, his head shaking back and forth rapidly. His hand wrapped around his own throat, his other trying to pry it off. You watched this all unfold, seeing Jack fright with himself..well with Anti technically.
Finally, Anti gave you a single wave, his SepticEye wavering from Blue to Green. He slumped to the ground, his arms holding himself up weakly. You cautiously walked near him. He picked his heavy head up, panting. You breathed a sigh of relief as blue eyes met yours. You helped him up as he rested against the wall, trying to catch his breath. Sweat trickled down his face, a red mark on his cheek from where he slapped himself.
"What..the..fuck?" You said, annunciating each word carefully. He took gulps of air, ruffling his green hair around. He looked at you with fear in his eyes and hatred making his clenched fists tremble. He pulled you close, holding you against him gently. He groaned, shaking his head.
"I see you've met..Anti.."
"Care to explain?"

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