Sweet Dreams

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! This is the first request for an Imagine.
Requested by: danosaur__  I hope I did a good job!)

You and Jack were really good friends, best friends at that. You two hung out every chance you got, exploring new games together on your Xbox. You met him in Highschool and you two just seemed to click. You were the quiet one in the class, the one who sat by yourself with your nose shoved in a book.
Jack was the first person who talked to you, who didn't make you feel so alone. Jack was your best friend, and you were glad for it. You walked home, wrapping your jacket tighter around you. Even though Christmas was over, it didn't mean the chill went away. Your breath came out in misty white curls as it vanished into the air.
You quickly walked inside, relishing in the warmth that hugged you. You threw your backpack to the ground and grabbed a pack of Oreos on the counter. You did this everyday, it was your regular routine. Grab the cookies, start the Xbox, and wait for your Irish friend to burst into the room.
"HELLOOOO!" You heard his familiar loud voice shout as the door swung open and he quickly jogged inside. You shivered as the cold air came rushing in and caused goosebumps to ripple on your skin. He shut it and smiled at you. His bright green hair was stuck up in all directions as he pulled off his beanie.
"Finally your here! Let's go!" You said, jumping on the couch into your usual spot. He followed behind you, rubbing his hands together and popping an Oreo in his mouth. The game started as you two talked about today and other things that were on your minds. You didn't feel this way about anyone else before, he was defenitly something different. He made you feel normal, and most importantly, happy. For hours you two played games until night came quicker than expected. You come back from the kitchen to see Jack had fallen asleep on the couch.
"Loser." You giggled under your breath and carefully sat next to his sleeping body. His soft snores could be heard above the low volume background of the TV. You looked over at him, seeing how cute he was when he slept. His head was resting on the arm of the couch, his hands folded and under his head.
"So..pretty...(Y/N)." You almost choked on your water as you looked at him. Did you hear him right? You looked hard at him, seeing his head shift from side to side and his lips start to move. He sat up for a minute, until he slumped back into the couch, now closer to you.
"Jack?" You whispered, trying to hold back a laugh. He stirred, now starting to mumble under his breath. You leaned closer, trying to hear what he was saying.
"Be mine?...(Y/N) your so cute...I..finally I can tell you..." His soft voice spoke out. You gasped, not blinking as you stared at him. He liked you? He liked you! You felt a smile spread on your face as the realization hit you. Jack liked you..and you liked him back. You couldn't help but fall for his beautiful blue eyes and charming smile. You adored his personality and how much he looked out for you at school, and cared for you at home. It was hard to try and just be friends with him as time went on, your crush on this boy growing more and more. Now knowing that he liked you back made you want to jump for joy!
"Will you say yes...." Jack mumbled, shifting around. His hands slowly started searching the couch, sliding over like it was trying to grab something. You stared at it for a minute before reaching your hand out and laying it on the surface. His hand met yours and instantly intertwined with yours.
You blushed and kept it like that, looking over at him from time to time..waiting for him to wake up and see just how badly you were waiting to say yes.

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