Such A Tease(Fluff)

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(A/N:HELLO EVERYBODY! I've noticed I haven't done a fluffy chapter in awhile, so I've decided to do one now. This is going to be a little more fluff than usual, but bear with me. I'm not going to do any lemon or anything, so it's not going to be horrible. Enjoy lovelies! Remember, if you don't like this stuff, don't read it!
Includes: neck kissing, grinding, nothing too bad.)

   You were currently chatting on the phone with your best friend. She lived all the way in (F/P) ever since you moved in with Mark in L.A. You and her always had hours of conversation every night. You could hear Mark making some noise in the kitchen, but turned your attention back to the phone.
   "Yes, yes! I know, we have to definitely make plans for over the summer! I want to see that beautiful face again!" You exclaimed, hearing her giggle from the other line. You turned your head to see Mark walk into the living room. He smiled at you and pointed at your phone.
   "(F/N)" You mouthed to him, watching him nod. He sat down and continued to stare at you. You made faces at him, making him laugh as you continued your conversation with your friend. He locked eyes with you, giving you a certain look. He trailed his eyes over your face, and down your neck. You blushed and turned away, throwing a pillow at him from the couch.
   "I miss you too!" You said, watching Mark walk behind you. You stood up, giving him a look and stepping away. Mark chuckled and pulled you in his arms, his hands rested on your stomach. You breathed, feeling his lips at your neck. Your friend started telling a story to you, which you had no intention of listening to.
   "U-Uh huh. Go on (F/N)" you stuttered a bit, pushing Mark back a little. He didn't let up, sending little kisses down your neck. You fluttered your eyes closed, gripping the phone tightly. Mark rocked you from side to side as he held you, biting your neck a little.
   "(Y/N)? Get off the phone." Mark said quietly, holding you tighter. You shook your head and glared at him before replying back to your friend. Mark sighed as he stood in front of you. You eyes him cautiously, shaking your head at him. He grinned and leaned in to press his warm lips against yours. You wanted so badly to kiss back, but you didn't let that happen.
   "Off the phone, baby." He lowered his voice, causing you to gulp. He kissed the corner of your mouth, and worked his way down your jawline. You shivered, feeling his fingertips drag across your sides. Your thoughts scattered and you struggled to keep up the talking with your friend.
   "Hey (F/N)? I-I have to call you back in a minute, y-yeah. Mark and I are I'll c-call you later. Bye." You shut you phone off before Mark grabbed it and tossed it on a chair. You didn't have time to respond as he crashed his lips on yours.
   "Shopping?" Mark mumbled against your lips.
"Shut up. Your the one who caused this." Mark chuckled and kissed you back deeply. You ran your fingers through his hair as he gripped your hips. The kiss slowly got more and more heated. Your lips moved faster with his as your hands ran down his chest.
   "Took you long enough to get off that damn phone." Mark grumbled as he moved to the couch with you. You giggled a little at his impatient comment. You were underneath him, his hand holding himself up by your head. He smiled warmly at you before capturing your lips with his. You reached up to touch his face, but his hands held your wrists tightly above your head.
   "Oh come on."
   "Sorry Angel." He whispered sarcastically, kissing you with an urgency. You struggled to escape his grip, and ended up giving up. He held your hands down with one hand, the other caressing your face softly. He bit your bottom lip, making you gasp in pleasure. He hummed in response and bent his head down to finish kissing your neck.
   You enjoyed the feelings it gave you, your hands desperately wanting to be on him. He noticed, and took advantage of it. He pressed against you gently, still restraining your hands from him. He started to grind his hips against yours slowly. You let out a slight moan, closing your eyes.
   "Mark! Let me free!" You asked angrily, seeing Mark smirk. He moved a bit faster, causing you to bite your lip and clench your fists. You shot him a desperate look and leaned yourself up to lock lips with his. You passionately kissed him, making his grip on your wrists weak. Your hands finally slipped from his, allowing you to pull him closer to you.
   Your hands travelled up his shirt, feeling the muscles that flexed and moved. His breathing hitched when you moved against him. You tugged at his hair, causing a quiet moan to rumble in his chest. You smiled against the kiss, feeling your face heat up. His hands trailed down your face, down the curve of your neck, tracing the dips in your stomach and gripping your hips.
   You gasped slightly when you felt his fingertips tracing the hem of your pants, his lips painfully slow on yours. You fluttered your eyes closed once again and listened to his quickened breathing. You had goosebumps rippling in your skin. Before you could fully start to enjoy this moment, he stood up and walked away. Just like that.
   "What!?" You yelled out, watching him walk into the kitchen. He took a deep breath, chuckling at you and winking. You laid there for a moment, very disappointed at the abrupt ending. You shook your head and followed him, pointing at him.
   "Oh, no no no! You are not just going to stop! That's not fair! That's teasing!" You whined, hitting his chest lightly and glaring. He kissed your forehead and have you a sly grin.
   "I know..I'm such a tease." You let out a puff of air as he walked into his recording room and shut the door. You frowned, straightening your messy hair.
Fine, two can play at this game.

(Should I make a part two???)

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