Goat Simulator

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You sat on the couch, reading your book while the TV played quietly in the background. You could hear the rain pounding on the roof above you, it made a sense of calmness spread to the top of your head down to your toes. You let a small smile touch your lips as you flipped the page and continued to read. It was a dreary day, both of you deciding to stay in.
That meant Sean had plenty of time to record more videos. You didn't mind, you knew he would always make time for you after his videos. He had talked to you about a new game that came out and he was very excited to play it. He wouldn't tell you what it was but he assured you it would be amazing.
"WHAT!? HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN A GOAT BEFORE!? THIS IS HOW GOATS HAVE SEX! HAVEN'T YOU EVER BEEN TO A FARM!?" Your Jackiboy's loud voice shattered the silence as he shouted out. You froze for a moment, letting the words register in your head. Your book slipped from your fingers as you let out a laugh. You continued laughing until you were grabbing your sides and snorting.
You gasped for air, thinking how cute Sean said the word, "Farm." You wiped your eyes and steadied yourself before taking a deep breath.
"DORITOS....DORITOS...DORRITTOS..DOOORRRIIIIITTTOOOOSSSSS!" Again, Sean's massive voice shouted out from the room he was in. You once again burst into another fit of giggles. It was NEVER a dull day in the house of Jack. You stood up and made it to his door, your laughing still being voiced.
You heard him do his outro and chuckle to himself as it became silent. You opened the door, seeing his head turn. He smiles brightly at you, wiping his eyes. You giggled and held your sides gently.
"I could hear you through....the wall...I...oh my god." You couldn't speak through the laughs that slipped past your lips. He chuckled along with you, seeing you bend over and cover your mouth with your hands.
You straightened back up and took deep breaths and smiled so much it hurt. He loved seeing you like this. He doesn't normally hear your real laugh, you were embarrassed of yours. You didn't smile big either, you've told him before how shy you were about your smile. Seeing you like this made him giddy all over.
His cheeks blossomed with a light red and he scratched his neck and smiled at the ground. He got up and moved towards you, hearing your little giggles and snorts made you irresistible.
"You are so adorable when you snort." He said, giving you a peck on the cheek. You giggled and hugged him tightly, hearing thunder in the distance. You both looked outside and shared a kiss before he pulled you to his desktop.
"How about I show you this game for yourself?" You gasped and nodded quickly, clapping your hands and smiling. He chuckled and sat down, patting his lap. You blushed, gently sitting in his lap and facing the screen. His arms wound around you as he opened the game up. He kissed you gently on the neck.
"Let's begin!"

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