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You and Jack were bored out of your mind, so you decided to go to the movie theatre down the street. It was playing a comedy, which you and Jack didn't mind watching. So after you two got ready, you both walked down the street. The wind ruffled his green hair around his face as he walked.
He was wearing his SepticEye beanie and a Markiplier shirt he had recently got from you for Christmas. Hand in hand, you two made small talk before reaching your destination. While waiting in line, Jack would wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your cheek.
He paid for the tickets and quickly got you two inside. After getting food and drinks, you two sat down and waited for the movie to start. You two were in the back, hidden by the shadows. He started to pepper kisses all over your face, making you giggle and push him away.
"Don't deny my kisses! Gimme some sugar!" He whispered, a giant smile on his face. You stifled a laugh and shook your head, pretending to zip your lips closed. He made a pout face, putting his hands together and begging. Finally, you pecked his awaiting lips softly and watched him do a little victory wiggle in his seat.
Jack took a picture of the two of you before putting it on Instagram saying,"At movies with the Bae <3." He kissed your cheek before the movie started, holding your hand and getting comfy. Halfway through the movie, you decided to have a little fun. Grabbing a piece of popcorn, you flung it at him, seeing it go down his shirt.
"What th-popcorn! Seriously (Y/N)! Now my twisty fresh nipples are going to be all..corny." He whispered, a smile in his voice. You covered your mouth as he searched for the popcorn down his shirt. He found it, and shot it towards you again. It bounced off your forehead, making you burst out into laughter.
People turned to look at you, but you slid down in your seat and hid your face. You felt several more bounce on your head before you fought back. It was a game between you and Jack to see how many kernels you could launch at each other. Apparently, it got on some other people in the area, and they weren't too happy.
You and Jack were too busy laughing as you were kicked out of the place. You plucked a piece of popcorn from his hair and flicked it away. He chuckled and wiped his eyes, wrapping you up in a hug. He indeed smelled like lovely popcorn.
"You smell like a movie theatre now." You stated, kissing his buttery lips. He smiled at you and kissed back before cleaning your hair of popcorn also. You two decided to end the day with coming back home to just watch movies with each other, the faint smell of popcorn lingering in the air.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now