The Sketch Part 2

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! These two pictures from this imagine is from an AMAZING writer and editer, kayleepriser01!!! Her edits are phenomenal!! All credit for the photos go to her!)

   Throughout the day, you couldn't help but take little glances at the little Irishman. He always sat in the back of the classroom, his fingers clenched around a pencil as he sketched away in his book. You wondered what other drawings he had, and soon you couldn't stop thinking about him.
   When you saw the sketch of you, you couldn't help but wonder why. You never knew how sweet his smile was, and how kind his eyes were. You were quite shy too, so you couldn't just walk up to him and introduce yourself. You sighed, laying your head in your hands as he teacher continued his lecture.
   Once the bell rang for lunch, students scrambled out the door in a hurry. Only three people were left in the classroom. You,Jack, and the teacher. You quietly gathered your things and watched him leave the room slowly. Once you put your things into your locker, you headed down the hallway. Suddenly, you heard an argument happening around the corner.
   "Leave me alone." A small voice said, causing a few other boys to start laughing. When you rounded the corner, you saw Jack. He was pinned in a corner, his things sprawled onto the floor. There were three jocks towering over him, shoving and pushing him around. His notebook was a few feet from him, his pencil and marker strewn about. One of the guys snatched his glasses from his face, throwing them to the ground.
   You glared, quickly making your way to the group. You gripped one of their shoulders and shoved them out of the way. They gasped in surprise and stumbled back. You stood in front of Jack, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. They scoffed at you, punching each other in the shoulders and pointing.
   "You heard him..leave him alone." The tallest one sauntered his way over to you and got into
Your face. You stayed rooted to your spot, looking him straight in the eye. The other watched in amusement as the silence dragged on.
   "Or what, Princess?" You gritted your teeth at the new nickname he had given you. You clenched your fist and looked back at Jack. He had bent down and retrieved his glasses, pushing them back up his nose. His eyes were wide and his hands were shaking. You looked back at the Jerk, taking a step near him.
   "I said..Leave. him. Alone." You stated slowly. He smirked at you, but obliged and turned around to leave he swiftly kicked the notebook down the hall, ripping papers and sending more supplies flying. You sighed as the laughing group headed towards lunch. You jogged down the hall and picked up the notebook.
   " you." He spoke to you softly. You picked up the loose papers, seeing beautiful details drawings and sketches. You even noticed a few of them were of you again. You walked back to him, and handed him his things.
   "These are beautiful." You stated, both of you blushing. He smiled gratefully at you and scratched the back of his neck. He fidgeted win his glasses and picked up a pencil near his foot.
   "Please don't think I'm a creeper for drawing you. I captivate me in a that sounds so stupid. It's true make me want to draw you." You blushed bright red and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You were both smiling stupidly at each other as he thanked you for standing up for him.
   "I r-really hope you don't find me weird. I've been wanting to talk to you for weeks but..I didn't have the guys to." You smiled shyly at him and agreed. He chuckled and ran a hand through his messy green hair. He opened his mouth and then closed it before spitting out what he wanted to say.
   "I was wondering...w-would you let me draw you again? T-This time up close?" He asked nervously, his fingers wrapping around his pencil. You nodded to him, rubbing your arms awkwardly. He smiled brightly and you two decided to sit down on the stairs. He gently moved your face to where he wanted you to look, and your hands where he wanted them. You couldn't help but blush when he used his fingertips to turn you towards him. He cleared his throat, smoothing out his paper.

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