When Jack is Tired

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You've noticed Sean's schedule of sleeping lately, and you knew it couldn't be good for him. He's been exhausted for the past two weeks, pushing himself to make more videos per day then what he was making before. He would finally slip into bed around 5A.M., his eyes distant and tired, his bubbly and perky personality was draining.
You tried to convince him to slow down, but the message just didn't get through to him. Finally you had enough when you woke up in the middle of the night to find your Jack passed out on the floor in his editing room. You were just getting ready for bed when you heard Jack's usual outro coming from his room. You rubbed your eyes and made your way to the door.
"Your coming to bed with me, now." You said sternly, surprising Jack. He looked at you, his eyebrows raised and a yawn slipping past his lips. He sighed and opened his mouth to protest, but you beat him to it.
"No ifs, ands, or buts. You are not killing yourself over this. Baby, you need sleep and you need it now. Just...please Sean. I don't want you getting hurt.." You said softly, feeling your bottom lip quiver and your hands start to shake. He was your entire world, sometimes he forgot how deeply he cared for you.
His eyes went soft as he gave in and nodded to you. You grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs to your bedroom. You got under the covers, your eyes drooping. You looked over to see Jack pulling a shirt over his chest, but leaving just his boxers on. He yawned again, his eyes watery.
"Thank ya, Lass." He muttered sleepily, stumbling to the bed. You giggled and nodded, watching him crawl over to you. You let him get underneath the covers with you, his arms instantly wrapping around you. You sighed in content, it's been too long since you two have been like this. You rested your head on his chest, trying to get comfortable.
"Find a place yet?" Sean asked you, amused. You chuckled and rose up. Tapping your chin, a smile grew on your lips. You climbed on top of him gently, basically laying down on him. Your arms laid on each side of him, your body between his legs. You laid your head down, faintly feeling his heartbeat.
"Now I am." You whispered, feeling his lips in your hair. He turned the light off, his arms around your back, rubbing lightly up and down your spine. You snuggled closer, relishing in the warmth and peacefulness of your Little Irish man. You felt his chest go up and down in a slow rhythm, his soft snores lulling you to sleep. Before you could drift off, you placed a soft kiss on his nose and settled back down.
"I love you.." You whispered, feeling your eyes shut and your mind wander off to dreamland.

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