Don't Go Part Three

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(A/N: HELLO YOU LOVELY PEOPLE! I'm so happy you all are liking this. I'm siked at how much love for for this imagine. I might actually make it into a novel once I finish The Sketcher one. I'm so glad you guys like it. Here is Part Three that so many of you wanted. Love you guys! Also it's 2:30 A.M right now and I can't sleep worth crap! So, inspiration time!)

You and Jack never seemed to leave each other. You were finally being able to understand and accept the fact that a ghost was living in your house now. He was sad when you left for work, and ecstatic when you walked through the door. You and him stayed up late hours in the night as he told many stories from his past.
He also watched you sleep when exhaustion was too much for you to handle. He loved seeing your eyes move behind your eyelids, your lips part and close, and your body shift and move. He yearned for the feeling of sleep and dreams, but he was satisfied with just watching you have them.
You walked into the room, shutting the door behind you. You sighed, rubbing your tired face. Jack gasped and rushed towards you, arms outstretched. He sailed right through you once again, heading him curse. You shuddered as the cold tingles traveled down your spine. You giggled, shaking your head.
"I have got to practice that more." Jack muttered to himself, following you to the living room. You sat down and sighed, closing your eyes. It was silent for a few minutes until a crack of thunder erupted outside. You fluttered your eyes open, seeing Jack standing by the window. You watched his hand press agains the window.
Soon, you were able to see a handprint on the steamed glass, water droplets making streaks down the hand. You both listened to the rain for a few minutes, sharing each other's silence. He turned towards you, a certain sadness in his eyes. He looked at your hair that dripped with water from the storm outside.
"You know, when your dead..the smallest things seem to be the biggest. I miss the rain drenching me, tasting the drops on my tongue, running through the mud." His voice had grown quiet now, and empty. You frowned and made your way to him, looking out the window with him. He must have been so lonely here, no one to talk to or see.
You looked at him closely, seeing him sigh and look at the ground. Something about him pulled you to him. You thought his dull blue eyes were captivating, and how beautiful they would be if he was still alive. He looked up, locking eyes with you. You blushed, looking away.
"Your cheeks are I miss color too..I'm not exactly colorful anymore. May I?" He asked, motioning towards your face. You nodded and remained still as he reached up to touch your face again. Soon, you felt the familiar coolness of his skin against your cheek. You closed your eyes, feeling his fingertips graze across your warm cheek. He had a short intake of breath, almost in pleasure.
"Your so feels very nice. I'm always so cold." You smiled softly at him, nodding. He grinned back, pulling his hand away. You both sat down at the kitchen, discussing different things. You told him about the outside world, and he told you how he was trapped in the perimeter of this house.
You noticed how bubbly his laugh was. You also noticed his image was becoming more solid as the days went on. He wasn't shimmering anymore, nor flickering. He seemed happier, and you adored that. You didn't know what you were feeling towards him, but you didn't seem to mind.
You fidgeted with your hands, looking up at Jack and then looking back down again. He pushed a pencil towards you, slowly rolling it until it hit against your knuckle. You looked up and saw the expression on Jack's face.
"Okay, okay. I was just thinking about how you..passed away. You showed me, but it wasn't long enough. I would like to see all of it..if that's okay." You stated quietly, gripping the table. He pursed his pale lips and ran a hand through his hair. He nodded slowly, looking at you carefully.
"Are you sure?" You nodded, not being able to find your voice. He took a deep breath, nodding.
One blink.. He's still the same pale ghost sitting across from you
Two blinks..He starts to grunt and grit his teeth
Three blinks..He's turned into a completely different person.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, his vocal cords strained from the slash to the jugular. His voice was wet and raspy, almost like nails on a chalkboard. You took your time looking over him, even though it made our stomach churn painfully. His green hair was messy and dirty. Dried blood splattered down his neck, fresh blood trickling out from the neck wound.
The same sound of ripping flesh erupted as he moved his head to look at you. His eyes seemed to be bloodshot and teary. His face was scattered with bruises and scratches. His left eye was swollen shut and black. His lips were busted and a few teeth were missing from his mouth. His clothes were ripped and torn to shreds, along with the amount of blood that stained them.
He was absolutely terrifying to you. He swallowed, spurring blood from his neck. He looked down, his hands shaking as he sat in the chair. You covered your mouth with your hands, not being able to look away. He looked up back at you, his lips turned into a frown. You shook your head, feeling sick to your stomach.
You shut your eyes again, your arms wrapped around your knees. You didn't hear him walk over to you, nor his hand on your back. He sighed, staying quiet. You looked up, seeing him back to his normal look. You let the tears run down your cheeks as you cried.
"You poor...I'm so sorry." You sniffled. Jack's eyes softened as he focused and touched your shoulder. You didn't flinch, and let him pull you close. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt his chest against yours.
You could feel him..
He was cold and clammy, but you could feel contact with him. His breathing altered as he hugged your tightly. He was grunting, his whole body shaking as he tried to keep his energy strong. You hugged him, feeling the muscles in his back flex. Both of you stood there in shock, feeling each other's embrace. Jack's fingertips pressed into your waist slightly. If he had a heart, it would have been pounding by now. He felt your body heat press against him.
It was an amazing feeling. Finally, after so many years, he could feel..warm again. Maybe not himself, but he could feel your warmth. He listened to your rapid heartbeat. He decided it was the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. He pulled away, letting you look up at him. His pale hands shook as he touched her chin. You let him, getting lost in his eyes.
"I...I..." He stuttered, struggling to keep from flickering. You nodded, leaning closer.
"Damn it, Jack. Do it.." You stated firmly, feeling his cool skin against your fingertips. He gasped, looking at you with wide eyes. He didn't waste time leaning down, inches from your lips. His were so pale and dead..yours was so full of life and warm and red.

He closed the inches between you..and kissed you. You were kissing a ghost, a ghost named Jack to be exact.

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