Life Is Strange

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*looks at picture* *breaths heavily*
(Since I love love love this game and the characters in it, I decided to make an imagine about it. It's not exactly what happened in the game, I'm making it my way. Mark being Chloe, and you being Max! Enjoy lovelies.)

You sighed heavily as you lifted your backpack over your shoulder. Today had been another long day of college. Dazing off, getting yelled at, and listening to lectures were exhausting. You shuffled along the sidewalk, running a hand through your short, chestnut, brown, hair. Your bangs rustled in your eyes, causing you grunt and swipe them out of the way. You walked alone, like you normally did.
You looked across the street where the sea was, and breathed in the salty air. Arcada Bay wasn't exactly exciting. It was an island surrounded by sea water, yippee. You didn't even want to be here, but you needed to attend this Art college. You were new here, just a week ago you were in a bustling city with your mother. Now, you were alone on a huge campus, becoming an adult. You shook away the worries and continued walking to your dorm.
You walked past several people. You had to dodge some skaters as they rolled on by you, flipping and skidding along the rails as they went. You pulled your hood farther over your head and kept your eyes averted to the ground. You heard laughter and the chatter of excites students. The warm breeze felt nice against your face, you did have to give credit for the scenery. You slowly walked past the groups of people and made it to the back of the school.
"Hey, freak." A chirpy voice stated. You turned around, internally groaning as you saw her saunter her way over to where you were. They're were three of them, but there was always the main bitch.
Victoria Chase
The pretty blonde in the Photography classes you took. You found out very quickly she was competitive, rude, and let no one get in her way. She had shiny, blonde, hair that only
Reached her ears. She had bright blue eyes and a winner smile. She was beautiful, and she made sure everyone was reminded of it. She always had her two followed hanging around her like lost puppies. They chuckled and smirked at you. You didn't exactly know Victoria, but she sure noticed you the first time you entered the class.
"Hi Victoria.." You said quietly, clutching your camera close. You had a passion for pictures, as did Rachel. Your teacher seemed to favor you the minute he saw your work and well, Victoria didn't take too kindly to it. She made sure you knew it.
"Why do you always walk alone? Like seriously, does everyone know what kind of loser you are already?" You gritted your teeth and shook your head. They cackled and smiled sweetly at you as they continued throwing out remarks and comments about your pictures. You glared at Victoria, itching to punch her. She noticed and grinned, pointing to your camera.
"Look (Y/N), no one will ever want your pictures. I have the talent, and you don't. So, with that being said, why don't you go fuck your selfie." The words were harsh and sharp, cutting you deeply. You gasped, registering the words that left her pretty little mouth. She giggled and high fived her girl friends waiting on her every command. You clenched your fists and took a deep breath. You suddenly, without being able to stop yourself, grabbed her by the collar and shoved her down. She cried out and landed on her butt, her bag spilling contents everywhere.
"Why you little bitch!" Victoria cried out, her eyes flaring up. You felt fear grip your heart as she clambered back on her feet. Her hair whipped in her face as she hastily pushed it out of the way. You couldn't find a voice to defend yourself, so you started backing away. She had a slight smirk on her face, but the anger could be seen in her eyes. Her friends didn't know what to do, so they just watched from the side.
"Now I have a reason to beat the shit out of you. Then I can totally post it online so everyone can see what a failure you are." She stated, her voice threatening and dripping with venom. Your heart pounded as you kept backing away, your feet touching the highway. She dusted off her little dress and straightened her hair out. She took a deep breath and reached out to grab you. You were in the middle of the road by now, your feet tripping over one another.
You suddenly heard a car honk, and snapped your head to the right. Barreling at you was an old, run down, orange ford truck. You let out a weak scream and scrambled away. Your foot caught and you went sprawling to the ground. You heard your camera snap, and several pieces went flying on the cement. You looked up just to see the nose of the truck inches away from your face. You could feel the exhaust fanning your face.
"Hey! Get in!" A low voice called out from the truck. Victoria was currently frozen in place, confused as to what was happening. You didn't think twice about picking up the pieces and hurrying to the other side of the truck. Victoria called for you and started running at you. You squeaked and dove into the truck, slamming the door closed. Victoria banged her fists on the side of the truck before you peeled out of the road. You pressed against the seat, taking deep breaths.
"Great, just great. My one goal to be invisible to this place..and I just caused the most popular girl here to hate me." You muttered, placing your head in your hands. You finally realized the fact that you got into a random truck with a random stranger. You let your hands slip off your face as you looked in the driver's seat.
It was a guy, a guy with red hair to be exact. His hands lay loosely around the steering wheel, his eyes on you. His red, fiery hair was fluffy and lay on one side of his face. His eyebrows were arched in surprise and amusement as he looked at you. He had soft, brown, eyes and black glasses to match. He had a gruff stubble covering his jawline and below his nose.
He was wearing a blue cut off, his muscly arms showing. Your eyes trailed down the red and black tattoos crawling up his right arm. They were in forms of skulls and roses. He had on ripped black jeans and converse. He smirked at you, his left hand shifting his gray beanie rested on his head. You cleared your throat and blushed, clutching your broken camera in your hands. This was not how you expected your day to turn out.
"T-Thanks for saving me back there."
"No problem, she looked hella mad. I can't blame you for fighting her though, she is one crazy bitch. So, kudos to you." You nodded and smiled a little at the guy, averting your eyes to the window instead. You watched the houses fly by in a blur and the wind calm your nerves.
"Your probably wondering what my name is. I mean you did just willingly jump into my truck. So, I feel like names are needed." You chuckled and looked over to see his hold his hand out. You hesitated before shaking it, feeling his firm grasp on yours. You two let go and introduced each other. You explained how you were new here.
"Nice to meet you I'm..Mark. Mark Price." His voice was smooth and gruff, you liked it. You scratched the back of your neck nervously and nodded.
"Hi I'm..(Y/N) Caulfield. Nice to meet you too." He chuckled and nodded, turning up the radio a bit. You heard a familiar rock song playing through the speakers. He nodded his head along to the music, his red hair swishing this way and that.
"Well, (Y/N) I think I have some parts to fix that nerd camera of yours. Oh by the way..Welcome to hell."

(I don't know how I did. Lol I'm sorry if it's not good.)

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