Water Day

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You and Mark were enjoying the day, sitting outside by your pool and talking. Soon, Mark's friends came over and decided to hang out. Mark had been telling you about his new comical videos he was making with them daily. You were glad to help as they asked you to hold the camera. They all got in position by the pool and you hit record.
Mark did a funny impression, making you have to cover your mouth with your free hand. His friend grinned and tried to guess the impression. The three of them started randomly doing things around you, making you giggle and laugh. When one of his friends said something stupid, Mark froze and looked at him.
He grabbed him by the shirt and threw him into the pool. He gasped and burst out laughing as his friend emerged, his blonde hair now in his face. He let out a girlish shriek and splashed around to get out. He was visibly shaking, a wide smile on his face.
"You asshole! Shit shit! It's freezing in there!" He complained, rubbing his soaked arms and pushing his hair out of the way. You wiped your eyes and watched Mark and the other friend continue to laugh. They did this for another hour, eventually throwing in Mark as well. He came out of the water laughing like a little kid. The sun made his dripping clothes glisten as he climbed out. The long sleeves and jeans he had on we're now forming on his muscles and abs, clinging tightly to his body.
   You couldn't help but stare for a few minutes,until Mark noticed and winked at you.
    "Take a picture baby, it'll last longer." He said in a low voice.
"Nah, the view I'm having right now is pretty good." You answered back, giving him a small smile. He chuckled and surprised his friend by shoving him into the pool. He cursed at Mark, complaining about his phone being his pocket. You giggled at them, making them all look at each other with a sly grin. 
    "Don't you want to join, (Y/N)?" Mark's tallest friend asked. Your smile dropped from your face as you shook your head quickly and started backing away. Mark chuckled evilly and rubbed his wet hands together as they moved towards you.
    "G-Guys! No, don't even think about doing this! Come on guys, it's cold! No! Get away from me, I bite!" You warned, glaring at the three of them as they cornered you. Mark snatched the camera out of your grasp and handed it off. You pushed Mark away, but he scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder.
You tried to convince him to let you down but nothing seemed to be working. You could hear Mark laughing as he walked to the edge of the pool and hung you over it. You screamed and shook your head. You opened your mouth to protest but Mark's hands was gone from your sides. You felt the cold waters surround you as you fell in.
It shocked you, making you choke on water as you gasped. You shot up to the surface, the cold water seeping through your clothes. You let out tiny squeals as the chilled water drenched you. You could hear laughter breaking out in front of you, Mark laying on the ground as he laughed. You pushed your hair out of your face and tried to scold them.
You ended up failing, letting yourself laugh also. Mark held a hand out and helped you back up out of the pool. Soon, the friends had left you and Mark alone and it was just the two of you. The wind blew on your wet clothes, making you shiver harder. Mark noticed and came up to you. His arms wrapped around you, making you gasp as his wet clothes pressed against your skin.
"Bastard." You muttered teasingly, kissing his neck. He laughed deeply, his hands rubbing up and down your back. He was warmer, making you feel better as the water dripped off your fingertips. You two smiled at each other and quickly went inside to change and find warmth.

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