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(A/N: I apologize for not adding a Part 3 in the Jack werewolf story. I didn't really think there was anything else I could add without making it basically a novel. So, I'm moving on the the Darkiplier and Anti-SepticEye imagine! Again, I apologize for not continuing the Werewolf story, I hope you understand. Enjoy lovelies! Remember, Darkiplier is completely different that regular Mark. Remember that.)

   You noticed Mark's strange behavior a few weeks ago. He was still your happy and chippy Markimoo, but he acted different. He would be fine, but then suddenly his expression would drastically change. He left the house often, saying he had to clear his head. You were worried about him, and as time passed, he seemed to become worse. He would snap at you, the immediately apologizing the second after.
   He would start arguing with you, then leave the house for hours. It was scaring you, but he refused to let you help. Sometimes he didn't even seem like the same person. Not the gentle, caring, and charismatic Mark you knew and loved. Today was full of confusion. He refused to leave his recording room, distracting himself by making more videos. He didn't even sound like himself, but you left him alone.
   The sun was traveling below the clouds when he finally appeared from his room. Instantly you knew something wasn't right. He was raking his hands roughly through his already messed up red hair. He was mumbling to himself, shaking his head. He completely ignored you as he went to the kitchen. You followed quietly, worry aching in her heart. He groaned, gripping the edges of the table. His muscles rippled under the pressure he was putting on them. He was breathing hard, continuing with his lonely conversation.
   "M-Mark?" You asked quietly, your hand reaching out to touch him. He snapped, driving his fist into the cabinet. The frail wood broke easily, sending splinters flying in every direction. He glared at the ground, gripping his head.
   "IT'S INSIDE OF MY HEAD! I CAN'T! NOT AGAIN! FUCK!" He shouted, startling you. You gasped as he pushed past you and out the door. You rushed to the door as you watched him run into the night. He vanished in the shadows, the faint echoes of the footsteps reaching you. You covered your mouth, tears filling your eyes. You were trembling as you went back to the kitchen and stared at the broken cabinet. 
   What the fuck?, you thought in bewilderment. You paced the living room floor, your phone clutched in your hand. Message after message, phone call after phone call were made to Mark's phone. He never returned any of them, leaving you a mess. You chewed on your bottom lip, pacing more. Finally, after hours into the night and no response from Mark, you heard the front door open.
   It was around 2:00 A.M by now, he's been gone for 4 hours. He strolled in, bringing a more calmer manner. Your eyes trailed up his muddy clothes, a few holes in his jeans. His hair was slicked back, every piece neat and clean. He had a smirk on his face, his eyes no longer brown. They seemed like black slates of stone now, no light within them. He chuckled darkly, looking at you up and down.
   "Hey baby." He said, his voice unusually low and gravely now. When he smiled, his teeth were sharper than they used to be, his tongue gently gliding over them. You held your breath, who was this man standing in your living room. He took off his glasses and threw them carelessly on the floor. He walked closer to you, winking at you.
   "M-Mark? What the hell happened." You managed to choke out, earning a smile from..Mark. He gripped your arm and pulled you against him. You gasped, trying to push him away. Amusement danced in his eyes as he held you against him tighter. He forced your chin up, making you look in his eyes. You could've sworn they flashed blood red.
   "What are you..." You whispered, biting your lower lip. He licked his lips, his eyes zoning in on yours. He leaned closer, so close you could smell the dirt that stained his clothes.
   "Please...call me Dark." He said, before shoving you against the wall. You couldn't  recover fast enough as he pushed his lips on yours. One hand was on the wall, the other gripping your waist. You didn't kiss him back yet, you were paralyzed with fear. He noticed, and bit your lower lip.
   You gasped, surprised at the sensation. He ran his hand up your waist, his lips going down your neck. You couldn't deny that it felt good. You tried to wiggle your way out of his grip, but he kept you pinned against the wall. After leaving a few marks on your neck, he instantly went back to your lips. This time, you couldn't help but give in. He chuckled against your lips as you eagerly returned the favor.
   He seemed like a totally different person. He would NEVER do anything like this. This Mark was..rough,rude, and mean. He kept a tight hold on you as he continued kissing you harder. It took your breath away as you gripping his hair. He grunted and pulled away, smirking.
  "Don't mess up the hair babe." He stated, running a hand quickly through his hair and fixing it. You tried to catch your breath, watching Dark catch your eyes. He ran a thumb over your lips, earning a shiver down your spine.
   "I'm so much better than Mark." He said, almost spitting out the name in disgust. You froze, realized what was going on. This wasn't Mark..but it was. You couldn't wrap your head around it as his lips were inches from yours.
   "Enough talk baby, let's get back to bu-...I said..let's...god damn it!" He shouted angrily, making you cower back. He released his grip on you,stumbling back. He shouted, but then his voice would change. 
   "No, come on! I'm not done yet! GET OUT OF ME! That sounds strangely dir-OW! This is your body too dude. GET THE FUCK OUT. No! YES, NOW DAMMIT!" It was a strange sight seeing Mark..and Dark fight. He was bumping into walls and cursing out loud as his voice changed octaves. Soon, he slumped against the wall, breathing heavily. When he looked up, his eyes were a soft brown.
   "M-Mark?" You asked in fear. He nodded, pushing himself off the wall towards you. He hugged you tightly, spewing out apologizes here and there. You hugged him back tightly as he tried to explain what happened. You couldn't believe this was happening to Mark. He now had a bad side to him..that wanted to come out and play.
    He wiped the sweat from his forehead and ruffled his hair back to his normal floof. He was trembling as he held you close. He gasped as his fingers grazed the hickies on your neck. You gulped, blushing bright red as you looked up at Mark. He had a shocked and fearful expression written all over his face.
"Um...so I met Dark."

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