Raindrops Part 2

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"Okay! Okay! You win!" You grumbled, setting the controller down. After an intense hour of Gears Of War, you two finally decided to call it quits. He grinned triumphantly at you, doing a little dance on the couch. You giggled and shook your head, looking back outside. It was only a small drizzle now. You didn't want to stay in the house anymore.
So, with a couple of large towels and your speaker, you and him climbed to the top of your roof. The soft raindrops dropped down your skin as you sat down and plugged in your music. You two jammed out to some songs, talking about school and video games. You couldn't help but notice him staring at you longer than usual. You caught him in the corner of your eye, just..staring at you.
His eyes would slowly search your face, linger on your lips, and go back to your eyes. You found yourself blushing, but cleared your throat and focused on the icy tingles that poked your skin. You reached over and turned up the radio a bit, a familiar song playing. You began to notice how nervous Jack was beginning to act.
You were confused, he's been acting like this for a couple weeks now. You've been wanting to ask him, but you couldn't find the words to ask. You nodded your head along to the music.
"I dedicate this song to you.
The one who never sees the truth.
That I can take away your hurt, Heartbreak Girl.
Hold you tight, straight through the daylight.
I'm right here, when are you going to realize?
That I'm your cure, Heartbreak girl."
You air guitar along with the beat, mouthing the words. When you turn to look at Jack, he seemed to already be locked on you. Your eyes meet, and your hands stop playing. He was singing along also, but his eyes held a special meaning. He moved closer, his eyes nervous and scared. He reached his hand out, but stopped short.
"Jack?" You asked, looking at his suspended hand and then back at him. He scooted closer, his hand gently grabbing yours. Your eyes widened as he intertwined them with yours. Seeing no withdrawal from you, he moved even closer and stared into your eyes.
"I'm right here, when are you going to realize?" He asked, staring at you with helpless eyes. He was shaking in his grip on your hand, but he had a small smile lighting up his face. Suddenly, everything clicked into place. Your mouth opened with a gasp. Jack wasn't very good with words, but he was saying more than enough right now.
"Jack..I..." You fell silent once his hand caressed your cheek, pulling you closer to his face. You admitted, you thought of this moment a hundred times over. You never actually thought that it would ever happen. Especially with someone like Jack. Still, as you stared at him inches from you, you wanted him to kiss you.
He slowly pressed his lips onto yours, staring at you. Once you kissed him back, your eyes fluttered close and you leaned in for more. He wrapped you up in his arms, letting the feelings take over. The kiss was so soft and gentle, but urgent and yearning. You realized how much this meant to him, how much he must have waited for this moment too.
His hands gripped your jacket gently while his lips moved in sync with yours. You held his face in your hands, bringing him closer. Before your chest exploded from lack of oxygen, you pulled away. Both of you were catching your breath, staring at each other in a new light this time. He leaned forwards until you could see the bright blue flecs in his eyes.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." He whispered, holding your hands in his. You looked at the ground before looking back up and capturing your lips with his. Your lips confessed your feelings in just those short seconds. It was enough to make his eyes widened and his smile brighten.
"I think I had a small idea."

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