Unexpected Turn Part 3

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    After long hours through the night, and many surgeries, you were finally finished. You lay in the hospital bed, willing yourself to wake up. The pain coursing through your body was almost unbearable, but you managed to fight through it. You could finally hear again, but there was still a slight ringing to them. You heard Mark's voice, different doctors and nurses. You wanted to cry, and scream, and laugh, and touch, but you couldn't even open your eyes. So, you laid there, listening to the world move around you. What broke your heart the most was Mark's constant sobs. You could feel his touch and his gentle kisses. You listened to his spiels of words he said to you every night. You so desperately wanted to wake up and tell him everything was fine.

Finally, you could feel yourself getting the feeling back into your fingers. You focused, twitching and curling each and every finger. You heard an audible gasp from Mark, and the sound of footsteps echoing against a tiled floor. You felt his warm skin touch your hand as he grasped it. He called for your doctor, rubbing your arm. You moved your hand, gripping Mark's back weakly. He breathed deeply, kissing your forehead. You started moving then, your head and your legs. Your bones ached and sparked with pain, but you forced them to move. You couldn't understand why your legs hurt as much as they did, but you were glad they were moving. You gritted your teeth, and started opening your eyes.

"Look who's back." Your doctor exclaimed, a smile on his face. Mark chuckled in relief and smiled down at you. You stared, waiting for your eyes to adjust to the bright light. You looked around, seeing the white walls and the smells of medicine that filled your nose. You groaned, feeling all the injuries hit you. Mark's eyes watered as he held onto your tightly. Your doctor gave you some pain medication, and explained everything to you. Everything felt heavy and swollen. You had been unconscious for a couple days, your body trying to heal itself. Your head was throbbing and your hands were shaking. Your doctor inspected you carefully, scribbling in his clipboard. Your mouth felt like cotton and it was hard to swallow.

"We will schedule your therapy soon, we need to get you moving. Your bruising has been healing nicely, but the ones on your abdomen will take longer to heal up. (Y/N), you have many broken bones in your body. Your broken legs will take months to heal, as will your left arm. Your broken ribs will heal in a month or two, and the swelling will resolve in a couple weeks. You need to start your therapy now, so it speeds the healing process up. We also want to make sure the broken bones have been reset correctly, and they will not heal crooked. I have to get some nurses, so I will leave you two be." His gruff voice reached your ears quietly, making you look up at him.

He gave you a soft smile, and walked out. You listened to the constant beeping behind you and the "Drip, Drip, Drip.", from your IV bag. You shuddered slightly, you hated needles. You looked down, seeing all the tubes and bandages around you. With every breath, pain bit into your veins. You whimpered, trying to move your legs. You looked up at Mark, seeing his frown. Teared welled up in your eyes before they started trailing down your cheeks. Mark leaned close and gently wiped them away. You let out a soft sob, your chest starting to heave because of the pain. Mark sniffled and held your hand tightly, looking into your eyes.

"E-Everything...hurts..." You managed to croak out, your voice like sandpaper. Mark grabbed a glass of water from the table next to you. He held the straw and gave it to you. You drank it greedily, relishing in the relief from your quenched throat. He bit his lip, his red hair falling in his face. He looked over you, pain evident in his eyes. He stifled a cry and ran his thumb gently on your bottom lip. That seemed to be the only place that didn't hurt.

"You don't deserve this. I thought I lost you..I thought I lost my angel." He said softly, a tear falling from his chin. You took a shaky breath, raising your hand to grasp his. Your other was wrapped in a bulky, white, cast.

"I'm still here, Markimoo. I am still alive. You..you can't get rid of me that easily." You joked, wincing as your ribs ached. Mark chuckled with tears running down his face. You both turned as someone walked in the room. It was Jack. His face was also a bit puffy and red from crying. He smiled sweetly at you when he noticed you were awake. You smiled back, letting him gently hug you. He went on to talk about how glad he was that you were awake and okay. He also went on to explain how he was staying in America until you got better again. He was going to be there for you through the long months of recovery. You were speechless, and soon the tears started again. All three of you were a crying mess when the doctor walked in. You were determined to get through this. You had two of your closest people to help you along the way.

11 months went by...

Eleven months of screaming in pain from each step, crying and breaking down when it was all too much, and the happiness you felt when you kept pushing. Jack and Mark stayed by your side through each attempt at walking. They both caught you when you fell, wiped your tears away, and made you smile through the darkest times. It the last day in the hospital, you had a surprise for both of them. You had full function over both of your legs, and your arm wasn't in a cast anymore. Your broken bones were almost complete, and little pain was felt now a days. Everyday you were getting stronger, you were getting closer to your goal. You never thought you would be able to walk anymore. You were excited as you sat in the wheelchair, waiting for the two boys. The nurse who pushed you here, smiled knowingly down at you. You took a deep breath, seeing Mark and Jack walk into the room. Mark kissed your forehead and Jack hugged you. It was the normal time for your therapy, but this was your last.

"I just wanted to say thank you for staying with me through all of this. I would have never made it without you two. You guys mean the world to me, and I love you guys. So, I want to thank you personally." You said, watching their faces change into confusion. You giggled and looked up at the nurse who winked at you. You nodded, smiling brightly at you. You gripped the edges of the wheelchair arms, your stomach churning. They both took a step towards you, but the nurse motioned for them to stop. You stood firmly on your feet, a little shaky in the knees. You looked at them, seeing their wide eyes and outstretched hands.

You walked.

You took a step, feeling the odd sensation of not holding onto the safety bars like you were used to. They both gasped loudly, watching you take another step. With slow and shaky movements, you were able to make it across the whole floor to them. Mark cried out and hugged you, spinning you around. You let yourself cry as he kissed you deeply and held you. Jack hugged you just as tight, smiling so big it hurt him. You wiped your eyes, standing in front of them. With red eyes and a bright smile, you walked into Mark's awaiting arms again.

"I made it...I made it."

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