Say Yes or No Part 2

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  You looked at yourself in the mirror, your face gradually turning redder by the minute. You ran a hand through your freshly curled hair and brought it around to frame your face. You couldn't help but worry if Jack would like your appearance. Your dress grazed above your knee in soft ruffled. The dress was a gorgeous turquoise that bled into a midnight blue from the waist down. It was strapless and hugged your figure close.
   You fixed your makeup for the hundredth time, your hands nervously wringing. You walked out the door, wobbling a little as you tried to get used to new heels. Your mother gasped when she saw you, tears in her eyes. You blushed as they took plenty of pictures as the doorbell rang. Your stomach twisted a little and you waited by the stairs.
   "Jack! How handsome you look! You clean up very well! (Y/N) will be so happy to see you!" Your mom exclaimed, hearing Jack's laugh. Soon footsteps could be heard, and Jack walked into view. His hair was neatly combed, but he quickly ran his hand through it. His black and white tux showed his skinny but built form. He tugged at his blue tie around his neck. He looked very handsome.
   His eyes raised to meet yours, his mouth dropping a little. His eyes looked at you from head to toe, making your face red. He broke out into a smile, walking towards you. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a corsage for your wrist. His pale skin flushed with embarrassment as he gently slipped it on your wrist.
   "Holy look" He said breathlessly, looking into your eyes. You let your mom take pictures of you two until they finally let you leave in his car. It was silent for a few moments until he reached his hand over and intertwined his fingers with yours.
   "I've been waiting for this for awhile. I'm sorry I didn't tell I felt beforehand. It's just..I never actually thought I had a chance with you." He kept his eyes forward, but a shy smile crossed his lips. You were touched by his words, your thumb rubbing gently across his hand.
   "That makes two of us." You said, leaning over and kissing his cheek. When you two got there, both of you were smiling ear to ear. He hesitantly wrapped an arm around your waist and lead you inside. Before you could open your mouth, he pulled you close. You listened to the song playing in the background, and saw different couples get to the dance floor too.
  "It's you and me..and all other people and I don't know why..I can't keep my eyes off of you." He sang along quietly to the words, locking your eyes with his. Even though you two recently confessed to each other, this moment made you feel like you've been together with him for awhile now.
   "God, your so beautiful." He whispered, caressing your cheek with his hand. You blushed, leaning closer to him as the song played through. He twirled you around, listening to you giggle and laugh. He took you by surprise as he dipped you low to the ground, giving you one last spin before bringing you back to his arms. You both smiled at each other, unable to be apart.
   "(Y/N)?...Will you be mine?" His question threw you off guard. His eyes held so much love and care for you, it made your heart pound. You nodded quickly, hugging him tightly. He chuckled like a little boy and kissed your nose gently.
   "My beautiful Angel.." He said quietly, pulling you against him and spending the rest of the song swaying back and forth with each other.
Jack had finally done it..he finally got the Angel he always wanted.

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