Five Nights At Freddy's Part 4

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You stood in front of the building, your hands shaking. Your brain was tired and fuzzy, but you trudged inside. You couldn't sleep at all last night, not after Foxy's visit. You shivered violently as chills ran up your spine. You rubbed your arms, walking straight past the party room and into the station.
After you and Mark got out of that place, you exchanged numbers. You couldn't bear the thought of being alone after a night like that, so you two decided to call each other. You guessed he didn't get much sleep either, seeing as you two continued to talk until morning. You couldn't deny that you were developing a crush on this man. During your talk, you were able to find out more about him.
You realized he was a sweet and caring man who was also a great flirt. Blushing, you cleared your throat and stepped into the room. Mark hadn't arrive yet, giving you time to set things up. You feared what tonight would bring, but you felt a little more secure knowing Mark was going to be here. You looked at the computer, seeing the video flicker and glitch. What did it take to fork over a couple dollars to replace these?, you thought.
"(Y/N?)" Mark called from down the hallway, his footsteps echoing. You straightened your uniform, shifting your hat over a little on your head. You looked at the poster of Foxy on the wall, and shuddered. Mark emerged from the hallway, his face being washed in the dull yellow light. You waved, earning a smile from him as he waved back. You stood up, walking over to him as he set his black duffel bag down.
You watched his red hair fall in his face, his brown eyes flickering over to your face. He sighed, looking down at your ankle. It was currently tightly wrapped and bandaged. It wasn't hurt too bad, but the scars from Foxy's hook would always remind you of this hellish nightmare. You smiled softly at him, waiting for him to get finished unpacking his things. He turned to walk, but forgot you were standing there.
You both gasped, being inches from each other. You looked at his lips for a few moments, wondering what they felt like. You looked back up at his eyes, blushing. Mark smiled a little, but his eyes were currently centered on your lips.
"S-Sorry.." You said quietly, feeling your hand graze his. It was silent in the air as you two stared at each other. He leaned in a bit, his smile gone. You could smell his cologne from here, it smelled like cinnamon and axe. He looked even better when you were inches from his face. Your thoughts were taking over, but you didn't move. Neither did Mark.
"" Mark started, biting his lip. You watched him, suppressing a smile. God, I wish I was the one biting his lip, you thought. Your eyes widened as you shoved the thought from your head. BAD!, you thought to yourself. You sucked in a breath when his hand caressed your cheek. His fingertips grazed your jawline, gently holding your face.
He leaned in just a bit more, his breathing hitched a little. Your lips ached for his, but you retrained yourself. Just as he was about to kiss you, the phone went off. Both of you jumped and pulled away, breathing. He cleared his throat and headed over to the phone, you following behind.
"Phone Guy - "Hello, hello? Hey you're doing great! Most people don't last this long. I mean, you know, they usually move on to other things by now. I'm not implying that they died
Th-th-that's not what I meant. Uh, anyway I better not take up too much of your time. Things start getting real tonight.
Uh... Hey, listen, I had an idea: if you happen to get caught and want to avoid getting stuffed into a Freddy suit, uhh, try playing dead! You know, go limp. Then there's a chance that, uh, maybe they'll think that you're an empty costume instead. Then again if they think you're an empty costume, they might try to... stuff a metal skeleton into you. I wonder how that would work. Yeah, never mind, scratch that. It's best just not to get caught.
Um... Ok, I'll leave you to it. See you on the flip side!"
You breathed deeply, shaking your head. It seemed like these calls were getting worse and worse the more nights you two had to endure. You laid your hands on the table and lowered your head. Last night had scarred you and terrified you to even see one more animatronic.
"Alright, let's kick some ass. Check all the cameras constantly. I mean every two minutes if possible. Only use flashlights when you hear them in the hallway or the vents. We close the door when we see them in the window. We can do it, after this its two more nights." Mark said, planning out everything. You nodded, agreeing with him. You began to hear the noises around you.
The air conditioner rumbling and beeping, the breeze ruffling the loose paper on the floor, and of course..the sound of metal scraping against the floor. Your heart was hammering in your chest, but you held strong. You were searching through drawers, trying to find extra batteries. As you were opening one drawer, you found a pair of masks. You pulled them out, a Bonnie mask in one hand, and Freddy in the other.
"Uh..Mark? I think we can use these too." You stated, watching him turn around. You showed him the masks, seeing his face light up as he nodded. The clock started, and you knew it was time to get down to business. You looked around the rooms, making sure the group stayed on the stage. Of course, they moved anyway.
You and Mark kept careful watch, being able to keep them at bay. Your flashlights shined Chica and Bonnie in the face, making them freeze. You were able to see their metal glisten in the light, their wires and gears tick and beep, their eyes search yours with their reddish glow.
"Freaky bastards." Mark whispered, seeing you nod. You flashed your light a few times before they vanished down the hall. You breathed a sigh of relief, seeing it only being 4:00 A.M. Mark kept his flashlight in hand as the roars and screeches from the animals bounced off the walls. It never failed to make your heart stop for a moment.
"Why would anyone bring their kids here?" You asked aloud, hearing something thump in the vents. You turned to look, but someone bashed into the glass window. Mark screamed as Bonnie Bashed his claws into the glass. It started crackling, his teeth barred and his eyes flashing red.
"SHIT! NO!" Mark shouted, shining the light in their eyes. Chica joined Bonnie, roaring with hunger as they went for the metal door. Mark held it down as best as he could, but there was only so much power until it died. Your head snapped towards the vent as that familiar scratching noise came again. A hook shot out from the vent, clawing the tiled floor. You screamed in fear, seeing Freddy crawl towards you as well. They were in a frenzy, twitching their heads and clawing their way out of the small vent.
"CATCH!" Mark shouted, making you turn around. You turned just in time to catch a Bonnie mask. You stared at it, seeing it's lifeless eyes look at you. The floor vibrates from
Their powerful hits and blows. Mark pulled you to the ground, shoving his mask on his face. You knew the warning Phone Guy gave you with the acting lifeless, but this was your only shot. He pulled you close, shielding your body as you shuffled to get the mask on. As soon as the mask slid over your face, the door burst open.
Their screams rang in your ears as you heard their footsteps enter the room. Your whole body was shaking, Mark's arms holding you close against him. His breathing was uneven under the mask. Silence filled the air, only the soft sound of their circuiting wires and beeps. You couldn't breathe right under the mask, your face burning up.
You looked out of the eyeholes, seeing them scan the area. You saw Chica inches from your foot, her eyes looking around. They ended up on you, her eyes glowing. She leaned down, her glistening teeth inches from your face. You forced yourself to stay still, your eyes looking into hers. Sweat ran down your face, your skin prickling with fear.
Mark tightened his grip on your waist, leaning close to your ear. Chica moved on, heading out the door. Her footsteps eased and soon, Freddy lumbered his way out. The lights above you two flickered and threatened to give out. Foxy and Bonnie were on the other side of the room, searching the space with the light their eyes gave off. Occasionally, Foxy would drag his metal hook against the wall, leaving indention deep into the paint.
"I think we're going to be okay." Mark whispered slowly, his voice barely being heard. You nodded slowly, looking up at him.
"I h-hope so..I can't stand this." You whispered, tears filling your eyes. He rubbed your arm, trying to comfort you. You sighed, shivering harder as Bonnie looked your way.
"Look, (Y/N) I have something to confess. Ever since I got here, I ended up having feelings for you. I just wanted to tell you that..I've liked you for awhile now." Your heart fluttered from the news, but you were also trapped in a small security room with the most deadliest animatronics you've ever seen. You couldn't see his face behind the Freddy mask, but it's cold black eyes.
   "Y-Your really saying this to me now?! In a room full of living robots trying to rip our spines out!?"
   "Well when you say it in that way, it sounds stupid!"
  "Because we may d-" You were cut off when your foot slipped. It scraped along the floor, emitting a sharp sound into the air. Your breath caught in your throat as the two of them stopped in their tracks. Mark gasped, backing up and pulling you with him. They started growling, poising their claws and started run after you two. Their footsteps pounded against the floor as they quickly made their way to you. Both of you let out a blood curdling scream as Bonnie lunged at your faces.
An alarm went off...
It was 6:00A.M. Bonnie veered off and slammed into a wall. His jaw was unhinged and hanging by some wires. He looked at the clock, then back at you. After a couple of seconds, he pulled himself away, leaving scattered bolts and wires strewn on the floor. The lights flickered back on and the singing continued. Mark pulled you to your feet and ripped off the masks.
"I like you." He said, pulling you to him. Before you could answer him, he slammed his lips on yours. His lips moved urgently over yours as his hands gently caresses your face. You kissed him back softly, feeling the adrenaline course through your veins. You pressed against him, your lips all over his.
Maybe the last nights wouldn't be so bad after two were going to survive..

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