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   Jack was beyond excited that you two were going to the beach. He had never been to the beach before, or even seen the ocean with his own eyes. You adored his excitement that made his eyes shined and his laugh boom. Jack practically pulled you into your hotel room before shutting the door. He was jumping up and down, a huge smile on his face.
   You looked out the window, feeling the warm breeze blow across your face. You looked out at the beautiful blue waves that rolled to the soft sand. Crystal blue water for days, and a sparkling sun in the sky. You breathed in the salty air and heard something crash behind you. When you looked, you saw your suitcases on the ground, clothes already strewn, and Jack gripping both of your bathing suits.
   "THIS IS GOING TO BE SO BOSS! I've never swam in the ocean before! I'm so excited!" He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. He rushed into the bathroom to change. You quickly organized the clothes once again before grabbing your suit and changing also. You threw a shirt over yourself as the door opened.
   "LET'S GO!" He was about to the door before you grabbed his arm and pulled him backwards. You kissed his cheek and patted his bare chest before shoving the things you would need in a small basket. Jack was stomping his foot impatiently. Finally, you let him drag you out the door and to the beach. It was full of kids and parents, teens and elderly.
   Jack pulled you to an open spot, and quickly laid out the towels. He stopped and looked around, taking in all the view. You giggled at his pale appearance, the sun seemed to bounce off of him. He noticed and struck a pose, winking.
   "Am I Edward Cullen's now? Oh yeah, sparkly and fabulous." You busted out laughing and ran to the waters. He was right behind you as you stomped your way through the water. It felt amazing and warm on your skin. Jack giggled like a little girl and dove under the waters. You stripped your T-shirt off and dove in also.
   You felt something grab your ankle and squealed. Jack broke through the surface of the water and picked you up. You gasped as he carried you deeper into the waters. Droplets of water ran down his face, down his neck, and back into the water. His green hair was in his eyes, dripping and wet. You reached over and pushed the hair away from his eyes with your fingertips.
   "This is amazing." He whispered, amazement in his deep blue eyes. He pressed his plump lips against yours and set you down into the water. He pulled away and splashed water on you. You giggled and splashed back, starting a water war that went on for awhile. Finally, you two eventually got out of the waters and laid on your towels.
Oh, and Jack really enjoyed the part when he got to rub sunscreen on you...Just saying.

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