First Kiss-Jack

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(A/N: I am exhausted right now XD. Long day and I get to have another one tomorrow. So, if I am not posting tomorrow that it why! I'm very sorry and I hope you guys understand! Thank you lovelies!)

   Jack tugged you along the dirt path, the sounds of voices and laughter floating in the air. You and Jack finally reached your destination and was greeted by your friends. A campfire was surrounded by people and the smell of s'mores filled your nose. Jack led you to a log laying on the ground and sat down.
   You held your hands up to the crackling fire, trying to warm them up. Jack noticed and took your hands in his own, gently rubbing them together to get yours warm. His beanie was pulled over his ears and his green hair poking out.
   "Beautiful night." Jack said, staring up at the stars that dotted in the sky. It was quite a pretty night. The sky was illuminated by the bright moon and twinkling stars painted across the black sky. You stared at the fire, it's flames dancing and licking over the logs below them. A breeze blew by you, making you start to shiver.
   "Come here, Lass." Jack said, pulling you into his arms and wrapping around you. You enjoyed the warmth he gave off, he was like your little heater. You two talked and talked for hours as your friends drank and had a party of their own. You two were too immersed with each other to bother getting drunk or doing anything else. Jack loved listening to you talk, you voice was like music to his ears.
   You two sat in silence for a few minutes, feeling Jack's hand intertwine with yours. He sang along to the radio playing, but sang it softly in your ear. You blushed and giggled, enjoying this little moment. Once the song was over, he called your name. You turned and looked at him, his smile bright.
   "(Y/N)? I have to tell you something. It's a secret though, so lean close." You nodded and leaned a little close, his face a handful of inches away. Jack chuckled and motioned for you to come close, his hand cupped beside his mouth. You leaned forward even closer, his face now only a mere few inches away. Jack smirked and gently pulled you near.
   You didn't have time to react as his fingers pulled your chin forward and your lips rested on his. You quickly realized what was happening and gladly kissed him back. The heat of the fire warmed your face up, along with the blush that was crawling into your cheeks. When you pulled away, you two had to catch your breath.
   Jack couldn't hold back his eager smile as he kissed your cheek and looked into your eyes. He couldn't look any happier than he did right now as he pecked your lips one last time.
   "They definitely taste sweeter than I thought they would." He winked at you, chuckling. You couldn't deny how much you loved this moment, and how much you would love kissing him. He grabbed your hand and leaned close, his lips brushing yours.
   "May I have another taste?" He asked shyly, his blush covering his pale skin. You smiled softly and nodded, eagerly leaning back in for another sweet kiss.  

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