The Sketch

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   You climbed on the bus, heading all the way to the back before sitting down. The chatter of tired and happy students filled the air. You rolled your eyes and plugged in your headphones, blaring out anymore noise. You sighed as you looked out the window, watching your house pass by.
   Your breath fogged up the glass, allowing you to draw a little heart on the window. The bus lurched to a stop as the bus driver picked up a person. You lifted your head and watched the guy step onto the bus. He was one of the new students, but he was very quiet.
   His green hair stuck out from his pale face, and his black square glasses made his eyes a little bigger. He looked down, running a hand through his hair before sitting done a set across from you. You stole a look, watching him scoot all the way to the corner and pull out a notebook. You felt like a creeper, but you couldn't help watching him sometimes.
   You knew he loved to sketch. Whenever you saw him, he always had his notebook and pencil in hand. He suddenly looked over, catching your eyes. You blushed and looked down, kicking yourself for not looking away soon enough. Out of the corner of your eye, he went back to his open notebook and started sketching.
  You could feel his eyes on you every few minutes, and started to worry if you freaked him out. With your face red and hot, you cleared your throat and looked at the seat in front of you. You closed your eyes and focused on the music throbbing in your ears.
   When the bus stopped at the school, you sighed and got packed up. Looking over, you were relieved when he wasn't looking at you anymore. You couldn't get the color of his eyes out of your head. They were such a soft color of blue, they were so captivating. No one else seemed to notice him but you and you didn't mind. He smoothed out his sweatshirt and tapped nervously on his jeans.
   His notebook lay open on his seat while he packed everything up. Your eyes scanned the page curiously, your eyes widening.
It was a drawing of you.
   His careful strokes from his pencil captured the far away look in your eyes as you sat in the seat. He drew your little nose and your full lips, your hair that cascaded down your shoulders. He sketched your delicate hands that gripped onto your headphone cords.
   You looked away just as he looked up, feeling your eyes on him. You felt your face heat up as you quickly walked off the bus. Hiding your face in your hair, you smiled secretly to yourself, your heart pounding.
   Before heading in, you looked back to see him holding his notebook open in his hands, looking quietly down at the drawing. What made you smiled wider was when a little smile lit up his face, like he was happy with his drawing. You giggled and headed inside, your mind full of the cute little Sketcher with bright blue eyes.

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