Sound Of Silence

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! I deeply apologize for the 4 days of no updating. It's hard thinking of new imagines to come up with. I was also working on a Jacksepticeye Fanfaction, but I just finished it. So, I can hopefully update this book more often. I am working on Mark's Fanfiction, which is going to be a Life Is Strange version. Anyhoo, I'm struggling for ideas. I've seen this idea used many times, but I wanted to try it as well. ENJOY!)

You sighed, waking up. You hated mornings, you hated mornings even more when you had to go to school. You dragged yourself out of bed, getting ready. You brushed your hair on the way down the steps, your bare feet hitting the cold wood. You slipped on your socks and shoes, tucking your hair behind your ears. You ventured into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filling the air. You smiled at your mother, sitting down at the table. She grinned back, flipping a pancake in the air.

"Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?" You nodded at her, giving her a thumbs up. She brought the plate of pancakes over to you, letting you slip one on your plate. As you ate, your mother talked about her new job, and how excited she was. You listened intently, giving her nods and smiles here and there. She was used to your silence, ever since you became mute. You didn't like talking, you didn't see a reason why. You were bullied for a very long time, still now. You were bullied so much you lost the will to speak up for speak up at all. Your mother just thought you were awfully shy, so she didn't question it.

You finished breakfast, chugging down your glass of milk before throwing the backpack on your shoulder and heading out the door. You sighed, putting your earbuds in. Your music blared as you neared the school. Others didn't respond so kindly to your sudden silence. They teased you all the time, calling you names and trying to get inside your head. You walked into school, just another day. You passed by several, some giving you looks like always. You unpacked your locker, getting your things ready for first class. You were picking up your books when you heard laughter at the end of the hallway. You took one ear bud out as you turned your head to look. You quietly groaned when you saw the small group of football players heading to you.

"Hey! Look at this! Mute is here bright and early! How are you doing, Mute!?" One sneered, causing the others to chuckle loudly. You rolled your eyes and turned back to your things. They came closer, resting against the lockers next to you.

"What, cat got your tongue? Oh wait, that's right." One said, slamming your door shut. You flinched, gasping a little. You glared at them, holding the books tightly to your chest. They laughed, closing in on you.

"Your're such a freak, you know that? Just talk already, your not deaf. No one just wakes up and decides not to talk anymore. You're just doing this for attention, so just talk already." You shook your head, swallowing. This was the exact reason why you became so silent. They pushed you around for a few more minutes, stating you were an attention seeker and wanting nothing more than to make people feel bad for you.

"Whatever, Mute, I'll make you talk eventually. You just wait." The leader of the group, David, spat at you. You glared at them as they walked back, shooting vulgar names at you and rounding around the corner. You shook your head, gritting your teeth. You turned around to open your locker again when you were face to face with a red haired student. He pushed his black glasses back up his nose, his smile nervous. He had soft, brown eyes, and bright red hair that swooped to one side. He gave you a slight wave, looking down the hall behind you.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm known to be quiet. I''m new here. My name is Mark..Mark Fishbach." He said quietly, his voice deep and smooth. You stood there for a few moments, staring at it. Your face heated up as you shook his hand and nodded to him. You gulped, your throat feeling dry. You fumbled for your folder as you fished for a pencil. You scribbled on the paper quickly, holding it up for Mark to see.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N)." He read the words quickly, flickering his eyes over to your eyes curiously. His eyes didn't hold that judging, cold and confused look like all the others did. It was just curiosity, which shocked you. He looked at your lips for a few moments before he broke out into a smile and nodded. He held up his paper, showing his classes. He handed them to you, watching you carefully. You looked at them, seeing he had the same class at you did. You pointed to the first class on his paper, and then pointed to your first class on your own schedule. He nodded, smiling and walking beside you.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, (Y/N). So, you're a quiet one as well..more quiet than I am." He chuckled, looking over at you. You blushed, shrugging as you walked up the stairs. You remained silent as he started talking about where he was from. You had to admit, you weren't used to people just coming up and talking to you like this. Those things didn't happen after you became mute. You lost all of your friends, who now became enemies it seemed. His smile was nice to look at, and his voice was nice to hear in your ears. As you neared the class, students made their way past the two of you to their classes. Mark ran a hand through his red hair as he talked. He noticed you struggling to keep all of the books in your arms, so he took a few out of your hands.

"Thank you." You mouthed to me, giving him a small smile. He nodded, holding your books to his chest. You willed the blush in your cheeks to go away as he continued with his story. He didn't seem to mind your absence of conversation, he seemed to just like someone keeping him company. Before you both headed into the classroom, he turned around and stopped you.

"You don't like to talk, do you? That's okay, sometimes I don't like to talk either. The problem is, I ramble when I'm nervous. That's why I'm talking so much now, I usually don't talk this much. It does get annoying, I mean I hope I don't annoy you, seeing as we just met. That would suck and I would hate to a- I should shut up." He said, forcing himself to stop rambling on and on. You stifled a giggle, smiling up at him. He blushed this time, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. He held his hand up, making you smile even more when he started signing to you.

"What I'm trying to say is, do you like signing better?" He knew sign language. Nobody even bothered to try and learn it when you turned quiet. You decided it would be easier than using so much paper to try and talk to people. You haven't had a decent conversation in awhile, seeing as nobody would try to anyway. This made you incredibly happy as you eagerly signed to him back.

"I didn't know you could sign! That's amazing, I'm so glad someone else knows it too!" He chuckles, nodding as turning to walk into the classroom. You couldn't deny the happiness you now felt towards this new student.

Someone was finally talking to you..without using words to do it..

(I am deeply sorry if this sucks. I'm doing this late at night, and I'm tired. Sorry again, lovelies! This will probably be a few chapters.)

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