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(A/N: HELLO LOVELIES! I've been wanting to make this one for awhile. After just recently seeing suicide squad last night, I OBVIOUSLY have to make this imagine. My friend and I dressed up. I was joker and she was Harley Quinn! I loved it! ENJOY LOVELIES.)

    "You'll do great! This is your first day, show them who's boss!" You're friend, (F/N) said happily. She was sitting at the front desk, working on stacks of paper that needed to be done. This was your first day working at the Arkham Institution for the Criminally Insane. Your friend had been working here for years when she convinced you to join as well. Here you were, your hair in a tight bun and your body obscured in a long, white coat. You fumbled nervously with the glasses that resting on the edge of your nose.
    "I know, but still. Why am I assigned to the most troubled patient. On my first day! They do know I'm not experienced yet, right!?" You said in desperation, shaking your head. She giggled and patted your shoulder, trying to give you words of encouragement. You looked around, everything so white and clean. You heard shrieks and strange noises echoing down the hallway in front of you.
    "You get used to it." Your friend had said before, seeing the color draining from your cheeks. You swallowed your fear, lifting your chin higher in the air. Quit being such a coward, you want this job, you thought in confidence. Your friend shot you a smile and nodded at you. You were just about to ask where to go when an announcement was said over the speakers above you.
    "Dr. Quinn, Dr. Quinn. You are needed in room 234. Room 234, please." The voice was squeaky and glitchy in the old speakers. You took a deep breath and headed down the hallway, your heels clacking as you went. You passed by several doors, sometimes making you jump as they came with pounding fists and frenzied eyes. You shook off your startled expression, your eyes flickering over the numbers on the door.
    When you spotted the number 234, you opened the door slowly. Your stomach was churning as you stepped inside the dim lighted room. There was only one light on the ceiling, casting a pale fluorescent light onto the ground. Only one, large metal table was bolted to the middle of the small room. There were two uncomfortable looking chairs on each side, seemingly bolted to the cement as well. The walls were grimy and cold, not painted or clean at all. There were no windows nor other doors.
    There were two other doctors standing at the table, looking at the papers laid out on the table. They turned their heads when they head your prescience. One was a man and the other a woman. They smiled warmly and shook hands with you. You returned the smile, feeling a little more relieved.
    "Hello, Dr. Quinn! It's a pleasure to meet you! I am Dr.Hall, and this is my partner Dr. Richards. I know this is your first day, but I know you will do just fine. The patient will be coming shortly, so I have some things to discuss with you about him." You nodded, pushing your glasses up to your face and listening intently.
    "His name is Sean William McLoughlin. He prefers to be called Jack or Joker. Joker is a more common name used when it comes to him. He of our most challenging patients here in the institution. You will have to be cautious around me. Never let your guard down, he knows how to get under your skin.
    He is dangerous and a killer, so don't pity him. Get into his head Dr. Quinn, we want to cure him. Now, don't be afraid of him. His bark is worse than his bite. Don't let him see you shaken or startled, he wants to see that reaction. We have to leave for some paperwork, but we will be back shortly. If anything goes wrong, or if you feel threatened at all, there are two guards waiting outside." You nodded, hiding your quivering hands inside your jacket pockets.
    You all shook hands once again before they went out the door, shutting it loudly behind you. You swallowed hard, making your way to the chair. You sat down, crossing your legs and waiting. You laid out the papers they left on the table, spreading it out in front of you. You looked over the words, feeling bile raise to your throat. This man was a cold blooded murderer, a lunatic.
   You jumped in your seat when you heard the door open. Three guards shoved a man inside, yelling at him. They forced him in the seat, anger in their eyes and a sneer on their lips. The man let out a slow cackle, obliging to them. They quickly cuffed his hands behind his back and to the chair, pushing him back. He continued laughing, a menacing laugh that shot chills down your back. He seemed to finally notice you, his eyes looking into yours.
    "Well, helloooooo there, sweetie. My name is Joker. Why so serious?" He burst out laughing once more, a huge grin on his face. You were surprised when you heard the Irish tone laced into the sarcastic words.


    You studied him for a moment as the guards left the room, leaving just you and the maniac alone. His hair was a startling deep green, making his pale complexion pop even more. His skin was like ivory or porcelain. You trailed the tattoos on his face. There was one across the top of his forehead where his hairline met. "Damaged" it said, the words curly and cursive as it spread across his forehead.
    His lips were dark red, looking almost like lipstick stained his lips. He smiled wider, showing the metal that glistened off his teeth. He stuck his tongue out, running it slowly over his metal teeth. He waited patiently, his eyes wide and lost. His eyes were a startling blue, an icy storm trapped in his irises.
    He was dressed in a dark, orange jumpsuit, the name of the Institution printed on the fabric. You could see the several more tattoos printed on his pale chest as you looked at them. He cocked his head to one side, winking at you. You cleared your throat and straightened your back.
    "Hello..Joker. My name is Dr. Quinn. I hope I can help you get better." Joker chuckled, nodding at me and leaning forward. You tore your eyes away from him, looking down at the papers. You could feel his burning stare on your face, making your face burn. You finally looked up, ready to ask him a question. He seemed to beat you to it.
    "What's your full name..Dr. Quinn?" His voice was raspy and low, he dragged out his words and cocked his head to the other side. He was very unusual, something you have never dealt with before. You could see how corrupted he was, maybe there was no saving him. You pushed the thought aside, of course I can save him. He waited for an answer, his captivating eyes trailing down your face. You finally found your voice, your hands wringing together.
    " name is Harleen. Harleen Quinzel..." You could hear the shaking in your voice and only hoped he couldn't hear. His eyes glinted with excitement as he leaned against the metal table. His state unnerved you and you had the sudden urge to bolt out the door. This man knew how to crawl into your head and make you crumble. His smile seemed to stretch from one ear to the other. Almost like he was permanently grinning. It was haunting.
    "What a pretty name! Tell your friends call you Harley?" He asked, his eyes full of questions. He strained against the restraints, growling softly under his breath. You knew you should have just got up and left, leaving the green haired maniac tied up in this dark room. You couldn't wanted to stay. You shook your head to his questions, getting the nerve to look back into his chilling eyes.
    "Oh...I-I don't have a lot of friends..." You mumbled, clutching your hands tightly together. He chuckled, the sound worming its way into your delicate ears. He rested his chest against the table, his teeth glistening in the pale light. His smile was genuine as his eye twitched. He licked his red lips and motioned for you to come closer. You hesitated before leaning a little closer, your hands shaking harder. He winked at you, laughing softly.
    "Well got one now..."

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