So Punny

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   "BABE! BAE! SWEETIE! HONEY! PUMPKIN! SWEETUMS!?" You jumped at the sound of Jack's loud voice. You were sitting outside, dozing off in the warm sun. You looked over at him, seeing him walk out the door towards you. You smiled warmly at him, reaching for his hand. He gladly intertwined his fingers with yours and kissed your cheek.
   Before you could protest, he slipped his arms around you and picked you up. He laid you in the soft grass, laying next to you. You laid your head on his chest, one arm wrapped around your waist. He kissed the top of your head, closing his eyes and signing.
  "I missed you, I needed affection." He said, making you giggle. You rubbed his chest gently, enjoying the warm breeze. You two sat in silence for a few minutes before he chuckled and looked down at you. He wiggled his eyebrows, winking at you. You continued to stare at him in confusion.
   "I think something is wrong with my auto-aim. I can't seem to take my eyes off of you." You bursted out laughing, shaking your head. He looked far from done as he sat up on his elbows and looked into your eyes.
   "Mario is red. Sonic is blue. Press start to join and be my player two?" He asked, smirking with his cute grin at you. He held his hand out, watching you  press your finger into his palm. He made a Mario noise and kissed your nose. You were about to stand up when he pulled you back down on him.
   "Are you a video game, because I think your my "Destiny." You snorted and lightly hit his chest. He ran a hand through his green hair and winked. You pushed yourself up and grinned stupidly at him. He dusted himself off before sweeping you off of your feet. You gasped, clinging onto him tightly.
   "I usually press "X" to pick up my weapons. Does that work for picking you up as well?" You couldn't take anymore of his game puns as you silenced him with a kiss. He blushes slightly and set you down. He pulled you into a sweet and tender lip lock, his hands grabbing your waist gently. When you pulled away, you both started walking towards the door.
   You stopped him before he could go through,surprising him with a soft kiss to the lips. He smiled widely at you, grabbing your hands. You giggled, nodding towards the console in the living room.
   "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I just rejoin this lobby?"
"This is why I love you."

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