Prank gone...right?

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(A/N: Hello Lovelies! I apologize greatly for the absence of this book. I've been super busy and trying to juggle work and other problems and my new book I've been working on. So I deeply apologize. It's late, I'm tired, but I want to get a chapter in. This is an imagine requested by theREDflannel Thank you for choosing me.)

    "OH NO YOU DON'T. I HAVE MY PRESS B TO BLOW SKILLS! DON'T MAKE ME!" Mark shouted, his fingers furiously pressing buttons on his controller. Mark had invited you over to play video games with him. You giggled loudly, making your character chase down Mark's. You two were currently playing, "Dead by Daylight." You were the one who got to chase Mark all over the map. He let out a shriek, shaking his head.
   "Just accept defeat!" You yelled, making your character sprint at Mark. You two yelled back and forth, sharing laughter and playing until you heard a knock at the door. You suddenly remembered Mark also inviting some more friends over. He put down the controller and strode to the door. You couldn't help but watch him walk away.
   His red hair bounced around, his glasses being pushed back up his nose by his index finger. His soft, brown eyes flickered to you before he flashed you his bright smile and turned his back. He was wearing his red and blue flannel with blue jeans and converse. Even in casual clothing, you thought he looked amazing.
   You've had a crush on him for a very long time now. You had even thought he had some feelings for you, but something always got in the way of you two. You wanted so badly to tell him how you felt, but you seemed to never get the opportunity. He opened the door, greeting your friends as they walked inside. He had invited Bob, Wade, Jack, Ryan and Matt. It was a full house by the time everyone had entered inside.
  You stood up, waving at them as they ran over to hug you. Mark shifted his weight, his smile dropping a little. You chuckled and hugged each of them, the sound of loud chatter in the air. Once everyone had calmed down, you all piled onto the couch for a movie night. Tonight was the night to just hang with friends and have a good time. You couldn't stop glancing over at Mark who sadly, was on the other side of the couch.
   "When are you going to kiss him?" Jack whispered, nudging your ribs. You smacked his arm lightly, pushing a finger to your lips. Jack was your best friend, so he already knew your feelings towards Mark. He teased about it all the time and was determined to get you two together. As the movies were run and the sun was falling, you all eventually had grown bored of movies.
   "I'm so tired of movies!" Jack whined, sighing loudly before throwing his hands up. The others agreed and Mark tried to think of something to do. Bob and Wade ventured into the kitchen for snacks, Matt and Ryan we're currently freaking out about a new video game that had come out, and Mark was trying not to stare too much in your direction. Suddenly, Jack sprang up and smiled.
   "I HAVE AN IDEA! What if we play a harmless game of..Cops and Robbers!?" He suggested, jumping around and clapping. The others made it into the living room, shrugging and agreeing with Jack. He cheered and pulled Mark to his feet, running outside. The sun was below the trees, sending shadows along the ground. Bob, Wade and Matt were robbers. All three high fived and quickly started off into the woods.
   "Me, (Y/N), Mark, and Ryan will be cops! Mark and Ryan, head that way. Me and (Y/N) will head this way! ALRIGHT TEAM, BREAK!" Jack shouted, clapping his hands. Mark lingered his look on you as he sighed and followed Ryan into the woods. You huffed, turning to complain to Jack. He held his hand up, silencing you, before he motioned for you to follow him.
   "I ship you two too hard to let it go to waste. I've already come up with ship names, so I'm going to make this shit happen. Look, here's the plan for you two lovers." Jack said, leaning close to whisper in your ear. You heard the sounds of your friends laughing and teasing each other. Jack finished whispering the plan to you, making you smile and nod in excitement. He gave you a thumbs up as he pulled his jacket hood over his head and quickly hid in the bushes.
   "Plan "Make Mark Finally Realize He Loves You." Is a go!" Jack whispered loudly, making you giggle and blush. He ducked his head down as you laid in the dirt. You grabbed a handful of mud, rubbing it over your clothes and forcefully making small tears in the fabric. You began to hear Mark and Ryan making shooting noises with their mouth and trying to talk in "Cop".
   You looked over at Jack, seeing him nod to you. You got in position before letting out a terrified scream. You let it echo through the woods before repeating the same sound again. You even shouted Mark's name, causing him to start yelling for you. You closed your eyes as you heard his loud footsteps get closer.
  "(Y/N)!? WHAT'S WR-OH MY GOD!" He shouted, sprinting over to you. He dropped to his knees, hovering over you. He was gasping for breath as he touched your face, calling your name again. His voice was full of fear as he stuttered and fumbled for words.
   "What the hell happened!? Come on, say something! Please! Did you fall! Please, say something!" He said loudly, lifting your head gently. He pulled you in his lap, shaking you a little. You restrained from smiling, making sure to stay limp and silent. He sniffled, causing you to feel bad. He shook his head, holding you close and getting ready to pick you up.
   "It's going to be okay, (Y/N)! I'm going to take you to a hospital, you'll be okay! Come on, I love you too much for you to get hurt! I should've gone with you, I care about you too much! Please be okay." His words shocked you, almost making you snap your eyes open. After a few more minutes of him finally confessing his feelings to you, you fluttered your eyes open. He screamed, falling backwards and pulling you with him.
   "YOU'RE OKAY!?" He said, grasping your face. You burst out laughing and nodded, looking into his eyes. He let out a huge sigh of relief and shook his head. He then froze, realizing all that he said to you.
   "Really? It took you to the point of where I could have been dead for you to confess to me!? Really!?" You asked, throwing your hands into the air. Mark blushed and shrugged his shoulders, holding you in place. You blushed as well as you were on top of his, your hands on his chest. You started smiling though as you leaned close.
   "Good, because I've been waiting for this for a very long time." You said, not letting him get another word in. You pressed your lips against his and kissed him. He instantly kissed you back, sitting up and wrapping his arms around your waist. His soft lips slipped over yours as he pulled you against him. Years of waiting, hoping, praying and it finally happened. He eagerly kissed your lips, making you breathless. You pulled away, pressing your forehead against his.
   "Finally! Good god, this should've happened years ago! Your welcome by the way, now you two can get married and have little babis!" He said, chuckling and high fived Mark. He helped you to your feet before he pulled you in for another sweet kiss. Jack awed behind you two, making a heart with his hands and jumping around. The rest of the guys made their way to you two, looking around in confusion.
   "How come the party is over here!? What did we miss?" Wade asked, looking at Mark's arm around your waist. You scratched the back of your neck awkwardly, seeing Jack point at you two.
   "Ohhhhhh nothing. Just these two sucking face over here."
   "Jack!" You said, shoving him. He chuckled and stuck his tongue out at you.
   "What!? I'm just telling the guys how Mark's tongue was all down your throat!" Mark's mouth dropped open as he let go of you and stepped towards Jack. You watched as the two ran around the group, Jack trying to dodge Mark's attacks.

(I'm sorry if it's not great, I'm very tired.)

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