Birthday Surpise Part 2

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(HEY GUYS! I'm so glad a lot of you really liked this one. This is all thanks to Pouko18 , I'm just the one who did the writing. Here is part 2 lovelies! Enjoy!)

Your hands started shaking as the silence lingered on. You heard him chuckle again, and the door knob start jiggling. You gasped and gripped the knob before throwing it open. There, standing in the dim light of the hallway, was Sean. His smile stood out in the darkness, his hand raising in a single wave. His hair was hidden beneath a beanie, his neon hair peeking out in his eyes.
"Sean?" You breathed, hoping this was really him. He nodded quickly, opening his arms. You wasted no time in practically jumping in his arms. His long arms wrapped around you tightly and he buried his head in your hair. You gripped his back, resting your face on his chest. When you both pulled away, you both had tears shining in your eyes.
"Man, how I've missed you, Lass." He whispered, looking over at your slumbering roommate. You motioned for him to follow as you walked outside the campus to a large fountain in the front. You both sat close to each other, smiling stupidly. You were overwhelmed with the fact that he was actually here with you.
"Happy birthday." You repeated again, touching his hand gently. He looked up at you and smiled, a certain look in his eyes. He turned and grabbed both of your hands, surprising you. You blushed, looking at his face shyly.
"(Y/N)? My one wish was to be able to see you. Now that I've done it, I want to say something else. I've been dying to tell you but..I never knew what you'd say. Now is the best time as ever I guess. I just..need to tell you now." He leaned closer, his eyes lighting up. You smiled nervously at him, his words making your stomach churn. You nodded, motioning him to go on.
   "I...(Y/N)...being away from you this long has made me realize something. I never knew how much feelings I had for you..until I let you slip through my fingers." As he said this, his hands grazed back and forth on top of your hand.
   "I thought about you all night and day..and even in my dreams. I-I know how weird this sounds's true. I like you (Y/N)...I really like you. I was hoping..well what I was hoping was..." He trailed off, his face flushed and his hands trembling. You watched him pour his heart out to you, so you thought you should do the same. You leaned closer, placing a soft and gentle kiss on his lips.
  "You took the words right out of my mouth." You whispered, your smile breaking through. He looked at you stunned until he jumped up and shot a fist into the air. He looked back at you, embarrassment crossing his features as he sat down calmly. He chuckled and happily wrapped you in his arms.
   "My little Irishman...finally admitting his undying love for me." You giggled, ruffling his hair. He smirked and placed a hand over his heart.
   "Thy can't deny, my love." You both bursted out into laughter before spending all night sitting at that little fountain, telling each other all of the feelings and thoughts that had been kept inside for so long.
Needless to say, you finally had that Sweet, love able, crazy, loud, bright hair, funny, caring guy you fell in love with the moment you saw him.

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