Truth Or Dare

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   "Come on! All the guys want us to be there!" Mark replied, groaning to you. You rolled your eyes and chuckled. Mark, your friend, was invited to a party and wanted you to come along. You weren't really a party person, but he really wanted you to go with him. You might have had a small crush on him, but you could never get the guts to tell him that.
   "Fine! Fine, but I swear to god..." Mark wasn't listening anymore as he grabbed your arm and practically dragged you to his car. His goofy smile reached his face and that's all you need to be convinced to get in the car. After a few minutes, you had arrived at his friend's place.  It was around 10:00 P.M, and there were people out in the yard.
   You watched as couples were making out in corners and guys sprinted across the grass with funnels in their hands. You gave Mark a look but he just chuckled and got out. You sighed and followed him into the cramped house. The music was rattling the walls of the house and the cheers of intoxicated people filled the air.
   You made sure to stick close to Mark as you entered the kitchen, a group of his friends already hanging out. They all greeted him, shoving a can of beer in his hands. He took sips, he wasn't into getting drunk. After awhile, one of the girls stumbled in the middle of the circle and giggled.
   "Let's play Truth or Dare." She hiccuped. They all agreed and began playing. You watched in amusement as a guy went streaking through the house, a girl ate a stick of butter whole (Which she ended up puking back up anyways.), and Mark try to twerk on the wall. A guy with bright purple hair and gauges pointed at you.
   "I dare you..whatever your name kiss Marky over there." He slurred, watching the group chuckle and cheer Mark on. Your face turned awfully red as you tried to think of a way out of this. Mark chuckled and shrugged at him, standing in front of you. Your eyes went wide and you realized you had to do this. So, taking a deep breath, you went on your toes and leaned in.
   He smiled briefly at you before your lips pressed together. At first it was just a small peck, but he pulled you closer seconds after. Your lips moves in sync and it quickly became more than just a small kiss. The cheers grew quiet as the minutes ticked by. Finally, you two pulled away, breathless.
   "GET SOME!" The dude with the purple hair shouted, his fist in the air. Mark and you were blushing as you said your goodbyes and left. As you shut the door, Mark pulled you towards him and gave you a long and deep kiss. You gulped, looking at him confused. He winked at you, intertwining his hand with yours.
   "Oops, clumsy me." You giggled, returning the sweet favor.
   "I'm such a klutz, I hope you don't mind." Mark gave you a knowing smile and swallowed your words as he softly pressed his lips against your once again.

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