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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! This is another jack request. It is highly adorable, and very cute! So, thank you theREDflannel for choosing me to write your imagine! ENJOY LOVELIES!)

    "I think we should do a play through of "Inside.". We could do some good commentary on it, and I heard it's story plot is amazing." Mark said, watching you on the other side of the screen. You nodded to him, writing down some game suggestions on a pad of paper. You and Mark were skyping at the moment, trying to figure out how your collabs were going to turn out. You had known Mark and Jack for a very long time. They even helped you start your Youtube career. Now, you were able to stand by the two of them as your publicity grew. You shot a smile at Mark, seeing him smile back. You tapped the end of your pencil against your lips, discussing more game ideas.

"I also think a good game woul-" Mark's distant voice was cut off by someone shouting in his room. You squinted your eyes and stared at Mark as he turned his head and looked at something behind the laptop.

"NO WAY! (Y/N)!? IS THAT YOU! MARK, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" You heard Jack yell, his foosteps becoming louder the closer he got. You giggled as Jack lunged at Mark and pushed him aside, Mark chuckling as his chair scooted away. You heard Mark grumble and punch his shoulder as the two boys squeezed into the view of the laptop. You waved at Jack, seeing his face light up. He smiled warmly at you and winked, causing you to blush. Mark rolled his eyes and smirked as he looked between the two of you.

"(Y/N)! HI, LASS! Mark didn't inform me you were on here!" Jack stuck his tongue out at Mark, resulting in Mark making a face back. Mark tried to shove Jack out of the camera, but Jack yelped and hung onto his chair tightly.

"No! I want to stay and talk to her!" Jack argued, mockingly glaring at Mark.

"I have work to be done, you assbutt! Now, if you don't min-"

"Oh, I don't mind at all, Markimoo! Now, back to what I was sa-"

"Jack! Get your ass away from the camera!"

"Maybe my ass wants to be in the camera! Ever think of that, ya doof!?"

You stifled your laughter as you watched them bicker playfully back and forth. You watched Jack mostly, not even realizing you were. You just couldn't help but watch him. His bright, green, hair flopped in his face and his fingertips hastily pushed the strands out of his face. His red lips formed different words as they argued with Mark's. His bright, blue eyes would flicker to yours on the screen occasionally, making him smirk. You willed the blush in your cheeks to go away as the fighting finally stopped between the red and green haired boys. Mark sighed and shook his head at you before giving Jack's chair a good shove. Jack chuckled and reached his arms towards the laptop.

"Noooooo....Nooooo...shite." Jack yelled, his voice getting quieter as he disappeared from the screen. Mark snorted and settled back in front of the computer. You listened to Jack's whining from behind the camera, occasionally the floof of his green hair as he tried to peek over the laptop to you.

"Okay, you two lovebirds! I need her alone for a moment, so I can discuss our gaming plans! Go get us some food or something, Jack." Jack groaned, and jumped behind Mark, waving at you. He finally left, the sound of the door closing. Mark smirked at you, wiggling his eyebrows at you.

"So, when are you two going to finally get together?" Mark asked simply, making you almost choke on your glass of water you were currently drinking. You swallowed the water hard, coughing a bit as you set the glass down. Your cheeks instantly blushed red, and your eyes averted anywhere except at Mark. You did have a crush on Jack, but you didn't think he felt the same way. The crush became bigger and bigger as time went by, and as you and Jack got closer. Mark already knew how you felt, it was quite easy to see. You cleared your throat and fumbled with the paper in your lap.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now