Jumpscare Part 2

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   Today was April Fools day, which made you edgy all damn day. You knew Mark still had to get you back so you were beginning to get paranoid. He knew this too, and took it to his advantage. He would hand you food with a smile on his face, or hold out a pack of gum, or just sit next to you with a sly smile stuck on his face.
   "Oh my god, just get it the hell over with!" You said, raising your voice at Mark. He looked at you in amusement, chuckling and shaking his head. You groaned loudly and glared at your boyfriend as you headed towards the kitchen.
   "Oh it'll come, but when you least expect it." With that, he kissed your forehead and went into his recording room. You sighed and prepared for anything to happen as the day dragged one. You eventually forgot all about Mark's evil plan and got lost in a book you were currently reading. Mark had become quiet the past hour, so you got suspicious.
   "BUH BYE!" You heard his outro, breathing in relief and continuing to read. The door opened, and Mark stepped out. He smiled at you, before the lights started flickering. You both shared a confused look before they shorted out completely. You were wrapped in darkness, making your heart race speed up.
   "Babe? What the hell happened? I can't see anything. Why did th-OW! GOD DAMMIT! MY FOOT!" You giggled at Mark's outburst as a thump could be heard in front of you.
   "Stay there, I'll come meet you." You said, standing up from the couch and blindly trying to find Mark. You jumped a little at something brushing against your leg. You thought it was just the furniture so you could walking. You started to get annoyed as things tugged and caught on your clothes. You heard footsteps around you.
    "Mark! Stop touching me, I'm trying to find you!" Mark remained quiet as the footsteps stopped.
   "(Y/N)...I'm across the room." His voice called out to you from a few feet ahead of you. Your heart stopped and your breath caught in your throat. You didn't have time to register as arms wrapped around your waist and a deep voice erupted in your ear.
   "Payback is a bitch." You let out a blood curdling scream and tripped over a chair trying to escape whatever had you. You tumbled to the floor and face planted the carpet. You continued screaming and kicking until the lights flashed on. Looking up, you spotted Mark and his friend,Ryan, standing over you.
   "AHAHAHA! OH MY GOD! YES, THIS WAS THE BEST! REVENGE TASTES SO SWEET!" Mark shouted, kneeling on the ground and belting out his laughter. His friend held up a small video camera, smiling evilly to you. You groaned and covered your face, trying to stop your heart from pounding.
   Mark chuckled and helped you up, receiving a punch in the arm for his little joke. You ended up laughing with them, taking a deep breath and steadying yourself.
   "I almost peed myself a minute ago." You stated, making the boys burst out with laughter. Once things calmed down and Ryan left, Mark apologized and showered kisses all over your face. You shook your head and laughed, hugging him tightly. He kissed the top of your head, grinning like a little boy.
"April Fools, baby."

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